13. Nothing Else Matters

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He stepped closer to me, and I backed myself against the wall. He sighed, "Well baby, I took care of.....a problem."

"Y-You killed someone?" I asked, my voice above a whisper. I was really shaking in complete fear. I thought if I discovered this about him, since I'd been thinking it for so long, that I'd be more calm, but that wasn't the case. I couldn't think properly.

He smiled at me lovingly, but almost sinisterly, "Oh Claire, my love, I didn't have much of a choice. Don't you remember what that creep did to you. He hurt my beautiful girl. He was threatening me."

It was like he felt no remorse and it made me sick to my stomach. As I pondered his words, my thoughts were invaded with the what ifs of his actions in killing the creep. My biggest fear was him getting caught, I couldn't stand not having him around me.

Once I've collected myself, I take a deep breath, "Um...you should take a shower and we definitely have to burn your clothes."

And he smiled, probably at my reaction or my words, which most likely surprised him.

"Only if you take one with me," he replied; no was not an option, so I nodded as his fingers caressed my cheek. Then he gave me a chaste kiss on my lips as if he was telling me not to worry.

He had some clothes from the last time he stayed, so there wouldn't be any problem burning his bloodstained clothes.

My heart ached as I joined him in the bathroom, but I cringed as I noticed he had blood smeared on his neck, staining his porcelain-like skin. He helped me out of my clothes and made sure the water was warm and let me get in first, then he stepped in and closed the shower door.

Once the water hit him, the blood washed away and I could somewhat breathe again. I just didn't want everything that had just happened to be real; it brought tears to my eyes, but I held them down.

He pulled me into his arms, "I only want to protect you."

I nodded and smiled a hesitant smile. Then he said, "I don't want you to be scared of me."

"I-I'm not, I'm just nervous for you," I replied as calmly as possible. He held me tighter.

His hands slid up and down my back as he said, "There is no need to worry, it'll look like a suicide. I made him stab himself with his knife as he lunged at me. Then he jumped off the bridge...with my help."

There was a long silence, then he was saying, "I love you."

I looked into his eyes, "I love you too."

His mouth meshed with mine in a heated kiss. Then he groaned and pressed me into the shower wall, causing my back to arch at the contact. I moaned as he kissed down my jaw to my shoulder, placing openmouthed kisses along my collarbones, then his thumb moved to my bundle of nerves.

His bright eyes were locked on my dark ones, and especially since he'd killed someone, it was really intense.

He kissed me once more before hoisting me up by my thighs and lowering me down onto him. His head falls back in euphoria, his mouth dropping open to release a throaty moan. I gasp his name, gripping his shoulders. He holds my hips, thrusting up as he pulls my hips down onto his. The water makes it easy for us to move against each other and my nails dig into his shoulders as his dig in to my hips.

Then he presses my hips tightly into the wall and begins pressing deeper into me at faster pace. Before I can get use to this new feeling, he's pounding into me furiously. The moans tumble out like a waterfall and he grits his teeth and begins to thrust normally again.

Still going, he says, "God! I fucking love you."

He grunts, "You're so fucking beautiful, and you're mine."

I wrap my arms around his neck and look down at him watching as his shaft moves in and out of me and thumbs my bundle of nerves and he bites his bottom lip. Right then, he gasps and releases, practically choking on his animalistic moans. I clench around him and shut my eyes as I gasp, practically convulsing around him, and when I open my eyes he's watching me in awe.

Then he pulled and goes into kiss me deeply and lovingly.

After a while of just kissing, he pulls back and pulls my body to his, hugging me like I'm going to disappear.

Then, the rest of our shower is silent. We take our time washing each other, and you'd think, since its such a sweet moment, that he couldn't be cruel enough to kill someone.

I feel empty and fully alive at the same time, but I love him, and that's all that seems to matter. Even after we're lying in my bed together, in silence, nothing else matters. All that matters is the way his arms feel around me, and the way his breath matches with the rhythm of mine, and his heart beating a thump per second.

Everything is calm, and I've never felt more safe than I do now. After he has fallen asleep, he looks almost like an innocent child, like he could never harm a soul, like he has been mistreated his whole life. He wants to protect people, because no one tried to protect him. He has the kindest heart, but in this cruel world, he has to protect it and the ones he loves. Me, Ivy, his friends, and just his family; the people he cares about.


I wake up to the feeling of a heavy gaze on my face, Michael's eyes are set on me. I smile and he releases a breath he may have been holding in.

He stares at me a moment longer, "Are you angry at me for what I did?" He sounds like a scared little boy.

I cup his cheek, "No, I understand why you did it."

And I do, he wants to protect me. This was a new chapter in our relationship, but I could get through it, because I love him.

He kisses me gently and cuddles me close to his warm body. I can't say I'm not scared, because I am. I'm not entirely sure what he's capable of, but I've never seen him in the act, and it won't be long before I do.


A few days later, when we went back to school, Michael spent most of English class glaring at Kiana, and if looks could kill, she would've been dead a long time ago. He seems to really hate her, almost more than I do. She's angry at me, for the most part.

I think her mentality is starting to drift into paranoia, and I'm positive Michael is the cause. She's been receiving ransom letters at her house, and I know, because she won't stop going on about it, but apparently she isn't smart enough to call the police. Its honestly funny, because no one really cares. Michael tries to piss her off everyday, and its pretty enjoyable considering she's a hot head.

I thought something was going to happen at school after the weekend I had, but no one has said anything, because of Ivy and Michael. They're all scared of them.

Having people that care about you is the best feeling, because its almost like the world isn't completely against me for once. I have a friend, Ivy, and a murderer, Michael, for a lover. He only kills the bad people who won't stop the hell they bring, so Michael protects people. He's a twisted hero in my mind, but he isn't evil.

I'm calm about my situation, but not calm at the same time, but I don't really care, because I love him. He's a murderer and I love him.

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