12. The Waiting Game

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I haven't seen Michael since Thursday. Its Saturday now. Yesterday I felt like I was being followed, so I locked myself up in my house. I've been irritable, because I haven't heard from Michael, but mostly nervous.

Kiana has been acting sketchy. She stared at me every time she seen me on Friday. Ivy and I have been texting back and forth, and she knows what's going on, and I'm actually hoping she tells Michael my issues with the strange things happening.

The weirdest part is that I haven't heard from the creeper since last week, but I was still apprehensive of what might be coming.

My mind was so rattled, that I wished that I could fall into a deep comforting sleep and not have a worry in the world. I don't understand how horrible things could start happening so suddenly. My life has been a wreck.

Seth doesn't come home very much anymore, he's been so busy with Eve that I'm beginning to think he forgot I existed. On Christmas eve he proposed to Eve, and he has to help her start planning their wedding. I'm really happy that Seth found someone, but I'm afraid he'll get tired of taking care of me, because I feel like I'm a burden to him. Sure, he's my brother and he's meant to protect me from harm, but he just doesn't have the time.

Its like I'm a nuisance to everyone I come into contact with, because danger just follows me around.

I've had a gut feeling that something is going to happen today, and that it will change everything. I just know. I've been pacing my room all day long, with so much on my mind, and I've been up since the crack of dawn. I'm just losing it.

All in all, I missed having Michael's arms around me, because it made me feel safe. Even though he's frightening in his own way, he really does love me.

When I first met him, I kind of didn't know exactly what I was getting myself into, but I had some type of sense about it. I knew at first that I was scared of him, because ever since I met him, something was way off about him. I had this gut feeling he really wasn't a good guy, but he is a good guy, because he only cares about certain people.

As the world grew darker into the night, I was hearing things.

I was in the living room when I heard the revving of an engine nearby my house, and luckily I was safely locked inside my house, but I was only hoping that nothing would happen. Then again, who am I kidding? I knew better than to think things would go the way I wanted them to.

Now there was silence, and it was now very dark outside, and I was scared. I texted Ivy.

Me: Hey, will you talk to me until I go to sleep tonight?

Ivy: what's wrong?

Me: I'm not sure, I'm scared, because something about this night isn't right. I have a feeling something is going to happen.

Ivy: ok just don't worry, I'll try to get ahold of Mikey and I'll have my bf to drive me to ur house and check on u

Me: thank you, please hurry

I felt a tiny bit relieved for about two seconds before I heard footsteps out on the front porch.

Me: now I know it can't be you out there

Ivy: what! shit! I'm coming as fast as I can

I quickly grabbed the bat from the closet by the door when I heard someone start to bang on the windows, and I had a feeling that it was Kiana's doing, it had to be.

Then they started yelling.

"You scared, bitch?"

"So scared she locked the fucking door!"

There were howls of mocking laughter, they were trying scare me. Stupid jocks! But something wasn't right.

Then a window in the living room shattered, causing to yelp in fear. I ran back and saw a brick with a note taped to it. I picked it up with shaky hands and pulled the note off.

It said:

Claire, I'm so sick of you taking things from me, but you just fucking wait! I will have Michael! And yes, this is a fucking threat, so you best watch your back and back off.


Short and not so sweet, almost just like her. Then I heard yelling again, and then the sound of a car speeding off, but I just knew they weren't done just yet, it was a waiting game.

Soon there was the sound of pounding on the door, then a voice yelling, "Claire! It's Ivy!"

I ran and unlocked the door, she quickly wrapped her arms around me, "Are you ok?"

I nod and she says, "I made sure I told Mikey everything, he's probably going to stop by soon."

Then she pulls back and gets a better look at me and says, "You should rest up and stay away from drama. Can you cool it for a while?" I'm sure she means I should lock myself away and be safe, or leave town for the weekend-well next weekend at least.

"I'll probably leave town next weekend," I say with exhaustion laced in my voice. "You can leave now, your boyfriend must be bored sitting out there by himself."

She gasps in recognition and says, "I was gonna have you meet him."

I shake my head, "Its ok, I can another time. I'm not stable enough at the moment."

She hugs me one last time before leaving and saying to text or call her anytime I need her.


I don't remember falling asleep, all I remember is that after Ivy left, I put the bat back in the closet and went to my room and flung myself across my bed and just laid there. And now there was a tapping sound on my window, so I got up and grabbed my bat.

I quietly walked over to my window and slowly lifted the curtain; it was only Michael. I sat the bat down and opened the window.

"Michael?" I whispered in astonishment. Something was seriously wrong, but he smirked like there was nothing strange about anything and stepped into my room.

It was only then that I noticed he was covered in blood.

I stumbled back and spoke, showing my fear, "What did you do?

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