The One With All Esther's Children

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''Well, well, well, there's our girl!'' I heard Kol mocking Rebekah who just came inside of the house wearing the same green dress that she was wearing the night before.
'' Get out of my way, Kol.'' Rebekah said annoyed, but Kol just stood in front of her and kept mocking her ''Out all night. What a scandal! I trust you did better than that commoner? Matt, was it?'' he said.
''If you don't shut your mouth, the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth.'' Rebekah threatened and I rolled my eyes walking to the couch that Nik has been sitting on.
''Behave!'' I scolded both of them before sitting next to my husband who just grinned with his eyes still on his sketch.
''I'm bored. Our sister is a strumpet, but at least she's having fun.'' Kol looked at Rebekah with a smirk on his face and then he looked at Nik '' I need entertainment.'' he exclaimed.
''What are you waiting for? Go on, have at it.'' Nik spared him a short look and then kept sketching.
''It's not fun to go alone. Join me, Nik! It's the least you can do after sticking a dagger in my heart.' Kol said, with a fake hurt face.
I rolled my eyes and then turned to face Nik. ''Go..'' I gave his hand a small squeeze.
''Okay. Why not?'' Nik said, standing up. I gave Kol a small smirk as Nik kept talking ''I didn't have nearly enough to drink last night, what with you trying to murder Rebekah's date.'' he said lowering down so he can kiss me goodbye. ''See you tonight love.''
''Of course, I love you.'' I blurted out.
''I love you too.'' he kissed me again.

''Yes, please go, this house has enough men rolling around it in.'' Rebekah yelled, trying to shoo both of them out.
''Just like you, Bekah.'' Kol mocked one last time, but Rebekah threw a shoe on him and with that the two brothers were gone.
''Rebekah...''Elijah came into the room, looking distressed. ''Not you too Elijah.'' Rebekah said annoyed.
I stood up, walking up to them ''What's wrong Elijah?'' I asked, noticing his distressed apperiance.
'' I'm worried about mother. Have you not noticed her strange behavior?'' he looked at me and then at Rebekah.
''She's been dead for a thousand years. What's strange for her?'' Rebekah deffended her  mother annoyed.
''Burnt sage'' Elijah showed us the burnt sage and I studied it for a few seconds before concluding ''She was doing a privacy spell.'' 
''you know she fancies such things.'' Rebekah rolled her eyes, defending her mother once more. ''Why don't you ask Finn? He's been doting on her.''  I asked Elijah, even though I did not trust him, but he was their brother after all.
''I don't trust Finn. He hates what we are, he always has.'' Elijah said to me, leaning on the wall behind him.
''That's not true. And as for mother, she returned for one reason, to make our family whole. She loves us. What trouble are you looking to find?'' she said angrily and then walked away from us, annoyed.

''I smell trouble.'' I said to Elijah who just stood there with a worried  expression on his face. He straightened up as he walked beside me back to the living room.
''He spoke to Elena Gilbert. '' I said and he nodded ''I know. Supposedly, mother wanted to apologize to Elena.'' he explained.

I sat down on the couch, leaning back.
''I don't believe in that.'' I said.
''Me neither.'' Elijah said.


'' me back as soon as you get this message. It's urgent.'' I left another message on Nik's phone.
I walked around the wood trying to spot Elijah and the certain doppelganger. Both me and Elijah were worried about Esther's plans, I never trusted her and for some reason he doubted her intentions as well.
So, this morning we decided that we will talk with Elena about that , but of course he did not want me to go with him because he was sure that she was scared of me and would never speak in my presence.
But I knew that the only way of finding out the truth is to use my gift.

''Althea...'' I heard a women's voice. Elena Gilbert stood few meters in front of me with Elijah by her side. She spotted me and then turned to Elijah '' Elijah, I should probably go home.''
ELijah looked at me ''Althea...I told you not to make a scene.'' 
''I won't. I'm here to talk.'' I gave him and Elena a small smile which turned into a smirk.

Elena wanted to walk past me but I stopped her. ''No, no. First tell me what Esther wanted from you.'' I demanded.
''I admire you, Elena. You remind me of qualities I valued long before my mother turned us. It's not in your nature to be deceitful and yet when I asked about your meeting with my mother the other night, you lied to my face.'' Elijah told her and she turned to him, and then to me again. 
''That's not true. I told you that all your mother wanted was a new start.''Elena lied again and I rolled my eyes  looking at Elijah who still looked pretty calm.
''I can hear your heartbeat. It jumps when you're being dishonest with me. You lied to me at the ball; you are lying to me now. Tell me the truth.' Elijah demanded and she took a step back ''I never wanted this to happen.'' she told us.
''What Elena?'' Elijah started to get furious and I walked to Elena.
''I don't have time for this. Look Elena, I was given a special gift and I can see everything that happened to you.'' I smiled . 
''What?'' she took a step back but I took a step forward ''This will hurt just a little.'' I said as I took her hand. She wanted to run away but Elijah kept her in place.

''My children believe I'm holding this ball to celebrate our reunion. But in truth I've gathered them together to perform a ritual. The first step requires blood from the doppelgänger. Only a drop. Its essence will be in the champagne toast later on this evening. Will you do it or shall I?''

I took a step back and tried to get my balance. This procedure always drained a lot of my energy.
''She wants to kill us all. She wants to undo the evil she created.'' I said to Elijah ''Her blood was in the champagne. She somehow linked us.'' I looked at Elena who had a worried expression on her face.
''I'm so sorry, Elijah. I wish there was something I could do to help.'' she cried out.
''You know, one thing I've learned on my time on this careful what you wish for.'' Elijah made a hole in Earth and pushed Elena down in the dungeon.

''Rebekah honey...I need you to come an torture someone.'' I smirked.


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