The One Where They Kill

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For the first time in 1000 years, I didn't sleep next to Klaus. After his resolution to take Elena and go, leaving everything behind I felt undesirable. I locked our bedroom door, leaving a pillow and a blanket in front of it.
I guess he didn't want to see me either because he didn't even try to talk to me. 
Early in the morning,I left the house and went to Denver so I can met with Kol. We found out that when original vampire die, his whole bloodline dies as well and the Salvatore brothers were determinated to find out who started their bloodline so they could kill the rest of us.

''Kol.'' I smiled once I approached him in the park.
''My dear sister.'' he hugged me, looking at my tired looking face ''What's wrong? Did Nik do something bad?'' he asked.
I shook my head ''He was just being himself. We will get over it.'' I smiled weakly and then I changed the subject ''So...The Salvatores are trying to figure out who started their bloodline?''I asked, walking forward.
''Yes. '' he nodded.
''Well...It was Klaus.'' I answered, shrugging.''The Salvatore brothers were turned by that bitch...Katherine, she was turned by Rosemarie and Rosemarie was turned by Mary. Right?'' I asked, event though I was pretty sure that was correct.
''Yes.'' Kol confirmed ''And Mary was sired by Klaus.But we can't let them know that. If they do, the rest of us are dead.'' 
''Well then...there is one thing we could do.'' I shrugged, thinking about my dear friend ''We must kill Mary Porter.''
''I love the idea.'' Kol smirked, putting a baseball bat over his shoulders.
''What's up with the bat?'' I pointed at it,and then I looked at my phone that had several messages and missed calls from Klaus.
''I played baseball with my dear friend Jeremy Gilbert...and Damon.'' he rolled his eyes . ''He snapped my neck. ''
''You poor thing. He snapped your neck.'' I laughed.

My phone rang once again. ''Yo should get that.'' Kol pointed out ''Nik is probably worried as hell.'' I gave him an annoyed look, but despite being annoyed I decided to answer the phone.
''Hello there.'' I said once I answered the phone.
''Althea! Where are you! Come back home.'' he said, angrily.
''You said it yourself, we are no more linked. We have no responsability over each other.'' I smirked, even though he could not see me over the phone.
''You know I did not mean it like that.'' he said, this time quietly.
''I know. But we should stay away for a few days.'' I explained.
''Where are you?'' he asked.
''I'm in Denver...With Kol.'' 


After I finished my phone call I went to the big house at the end of the street. It was the house of Mary Porter, my old friend, that was now probably dead.Kol and I decided that only way to keep her mouth shut was to kill her, so that's what he did.
The moment I entered the house I heard a loud noise on the second floor.
''Shame about Mary. She used to be a blast. Don't quite know what happened. I fear all the time she spent with my family might have ruined her. She was a bit of an Original groupie.''Kol said, and I figured out that Damon Salvatore and the doppelganger were already here.
''And were you her favorite?'' a familiar, feminine voice asked.
''You mean, did I turn her? I think I did. But no, wait, maybe it was Rebekah. There was also a Klaus period, Althea was also in a desperate need of a friend back then. And let's not forget the Elijah affair. I spoke to my sister in law, I know you're trying to find out who you descended from. Now you never will. So, where did we leave off?''Kol spoke.

I walked to the room just in time when Kol kicked Damon with the baseball bat.
''Elena, get out of here!''Damon yelled but the moment she started to run, she run into me.
''Hello sweetie.'' I smiled.
''According to my husban, you're off limits. Please don't test me.'' I pushed her back ''The fact that you look exactly as my sister is already pushing me enough!'' 
''Don't touch her.'' Damon rushed to me, but Kol stood in front of me, kicking him with the bat once more.
''Oh dear, I've hit a nerve. Heh heh. Relax, darling, I just want us to be even. You snapped my neck, you killed my brother, and then you humiliated me.'' Kol kept kicking him with the bat.
''There,now we are even!''

The Original Wife (Klaus Mikaelson)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang