The One Where She Is Angry

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I walked down the streets of New York, Nik beside me. In the last few days Rebekah,Nik and I tracked down Finn and have found the witch that can unlink us.
''Hello Finn.'' I greeted him once Nik and I approached him.
'' Hello Niklaus,Althea. I have nothing to say to you.'' he said, not looking at us .
''Well, I'm not here to chat. I will ask you one time though, where's our mother?'' Nik asked.
''Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives. And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again.'' Finn stood, facing Nik.
''Well, how fortunate that we found you, we require your assistance.'' I said, walking to stand on Nik's right side.
''I have no wish to help you. Only to see you dead.Both of you!'' he spit angrily. I rolled my eyes at him. 
'' Right, well, that's the thing; you see you won't be able to see me dead, because if I die, then you die. So, wish unfulfilled, I'm afraid.'' Nik said with a small smirk on his face. I laughed at his speech.
''Oh, bother someone else with your hollowed charms, Niklaus.'' Finn looked at both of us, anger in his eyes.
'' Why? Why not come bother my big brother? I need you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls, I have a witch there who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together.'' Nik explained to him but Finn just started walking forward again '' I have no wish to be unlinked.''
I rolled mx eyes standing in front of him, stopping him from going any further ''Look...Finn. I'm starting to get annoyed by you. Let me rephrase, you will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years.'' I said.
He laughed ''What happens to one, happens to all. If I'm daggered,you will be too.'' 
''And that is the sacrifice I'm willing to make if it means that it would save Nik, and give him time to unlink us.'' I said, standing straight and proud.
''Pathetic. What did he do to you? You stand by him for 1000 years and do horrible things. I hate you more than I hate him.'' Finn said bypassing me and walking away.
''I love you.'' Nik said to me, giving me a soft kiss on the lips before walking towards the place Finn went.


We walked back to the house with Finn chained.Nik throws him inside of the hall, right in front of the stairs.
'' Gather your witch. Let's get his blood and get on with it.'' Rebekah said, walking a few steps behind me.
''You can't force me to help you.'' Finn spit out, standing up.
''Oh, I most likely could...'' Nik tried to threaten him, but I stopped him''... but why force when we can persuade?'' I said with a small smile, pointing up the stairs where a young, redhead women stood.
''Hello Finn.'' she greeted him.
''Sage.'' he looked at her with a big smile rushing over to her.
They embrace, kissing softly.

Sage is a young, redheaded women that Finn turned 900 years ago so they could spend eternity together. It was a nice story, honestly, and unlike Rebekah and Klaus back in the day I loved Sage, I was even able to call her my friend. 
''What do you know, true love prevails.'' Rebekah jokes.
''It does occasionally have its uses.'' Nik says uninterested and I roll my eyes, looking at my phone.
''Let me know when I'm needed.'' I saw a message from Kol.
''I will.'' I write back at him, looking back at the two siblings in front of me ''Easier than torturing him.'' I say, walking away, annoyed by Klaus' comment from before.


Few hours later, we were still trying to get unlinked by the Bennett witch, Klaus was still trying to talk to me, not figuring out what's wrong but I was endured to ignore him, for the next 10 years at least.
'' Well, look what you've caught'' I said, looking at Rebekah who hung Damon Salvatore in our hall ''Trying to bleed him of vervain, don't you think it would be easier to hang him upside down?'' I asked, eyeing all the cuts on his body.
''I'm perfectly capable of inflicting pain, thank you very much.'' Rebekah turned around, rolling her eyes at me.
''Well, excuse me, it's not like I have any expertise in the matter.'' I raise my hands in defense, walking to the living room.
''Love!'' Klaus said once I entered the room. He stood a few feet away from the Bennett witch who had a big book in front of her.'' Our friend here isn't trying very hard, how about we give her some incentive.'' he said.
I rolled my eyes at him, taking my phone from my pocket. Bennett witch looked at me confuses once I started to speak ''Kol. How's the weather up there in Mile High City? '' I asked
''Believe me, it's great.'' I heard Kol's voice from the other line.
''And how's our friend? ''I asked again, turning around to face the witch.
''He is right here.'' Kol answered.
''May I see him?'' I asked, soon a video of the boy playing with his dog showed up.
''There's Jeremy, playing fetch with his new puppy. Oh, isn't that just the most adorable thing you've ever seen?'' I showed her the video, wicked smile on my face.
''Thank you Kol, we'll be in touch.''I say, once I take my phone back.
''So, Bonnie, how bout that spell?'' Klaus said, wickedly.


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