#16 - Luke's Party

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Chapter 16 - Luke's Party
published: Wednesday, 8 April 2020

As she pushed open the wooden door, Annabeth stumbled inside, arm against the wall for support. "I am never drinking champagne again," she muttered under her breath.


She spun around — a mistake, considering how dizzy she was — to see Percy sitting by the kitchen counter, clicking away at his phone. His fingers paused, hovering over the screen as he raised an eyebrow at her presence.

"Yeah, I'm a little tipsy," she admitted. "It's the champagne." Annabeth stayed in her spot uncertainly. "Sorry, I know your reservations about alcohol. I'll go if you want."

"No, it's fine," Percy interjected quickly.

Annabeth slid over to the opposite side of the kitchen island, leaning on her elbows as she studied his face. "Are you okay?" She frowned. "I know my voice is kind of shaky at the moment, but I'm asking you seriously."

Percy hesitated for a moment before he put down his phone. "Sometimes I need a little alone time when it gets too much. The drinking, and the music, and the people. It's just...a lot."

"You sure you don't want me to leave?" Annabeth echoed.

He chuckled. "Nah, you're okay."

"What're you playing?" Annabeth asked curiously, staring at his phone. "Is it one of those shooting games Jason and Piper always play?"

Percy scratched the back of his neck. "Actually, it's, uh, Candy Crush."

Laughter bubbles up in the back of her throat. "Oh my God, you play Candy Crush?"

"Only when I'm bored," Percy protested. "Plus, you don't need Wi-Fi for it."

"I hated that game," Annabeth said vehemently. "I sucked at it. Always frustrated me when I didn't have any lives left."

Percy shook his head, ducking his face to hide a smile. "Look at us and our heartfelt conversations about Candy Crush." He sighed. "Y'know, I kind of wish it was like this with Rachel."

"I thought you guys were going well," Annabeth groaned. "C'mon, I like her. She's really nice."

"She is," Percy agreed. "Just..." He swallowed. "I don't know. We had a weird start, and I don't feel like I did with Reyna."

Annabeth felt her head starting to clear, and as she sobered up, she pulled up one of the bar chairs to sit across from him.

"I think it's different with every relationship," she explained. "Reyna was your first real girlfriend, and Rachel's a bit more casual."

"Just doesn't feel like it should," Percy admitted. "Like now, I don't feel like I can open up to her at all about this. Rachel's a really good friend, but I don't know how good I can be as a boyfriend."

"I think you'd be pretty good boyfriend material," Annabeth said absently.

Percy grinned. "Oh, really?"

She shrugged. "You just seem liked you'd open doors and carry groceries."

"Oh, is that what people look for in guys nowadays?"

"Different for everyone," Annabeth reminded him. "Although I'd have to say that a proper sense of humour is a real turn-on. And not dumb jokes, but, like, proper, dry humour. Personal preference, I guess."

"I think you have to have some things in common," Percy suggested.

"I'm a believer in the whole 'opposites attract' thing," Annabeth contradicted.

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