#18 - Exchange Students

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Chapter 18 - Exchange Students
published: Wednesday, 15 April 2020

"Did you hear?"

"I know right!"

"Both Annabeth and Percy are single again!"

"Do you think there's a reason behind both of them ending their relationships?"

"I heard Rachel was the one who did it!"

"Maybe Percy and Annabeth started dating over spring break."

"Is he back with Drew?"

"No, I think he's with Annabeth now. So much for 'rumours'."


As soon as the break was over, both Annabeth and Percy's break-ups were all the hot gossip when the new term started.

Of course, it wasn't like she'd expected anything less. There wasn't so much name-calling of "bitch" and "slut", but just a whole lot of meaningless speculation that they were secretly dating.

"How're you holding up?"

Annabeth spun around to see Percy walking beside her, a concerned look on his face. She knew exactly what he was referring to.

"Better than I expected, to be honest," she told him sincerely.

The rumours didn't affect her as much anymore. Annabeth wasn't quite sure why, but it also helped that no one quite dared to say anything with Percy at her side.

"There are two new exchange students, y'know?" Annabeth informed him.


She nodded. "They're from England. Hazel's been buddied up with one of them — Calypso. The other one is Zoe, who's in the year above."

Annabeth hadn't seen Calypso yet, but she knew that she should probably get used to her being around this month. Since she was staying with Hazel, her host family, she was going to be tagging along to their hangouts from now on.

The first time she saw Calypso was in History class, and Annabeth wasn't that proud of her immediate reaction.

Percy, who must've had Physics with Hazel and Calypso, walked them to the door, exchanging jokes and laughs with the new girl.

Annabeth felt her heart clench painfully at the sight, and she averted her gaze before Percy could catch her eye.

Calypso was, without a doubt, very, very pretty. She had long, brown hair, almond-coloured eyes, and a dreamy smile.

Feeling someone staring at her, Annabeth glanced up to see Rachel studying her expression.

"Sorry, I know it's hard for you," Annabeth mumbled. "Seeing him with Calypso."

Rachel raised an eyebrow. "What?"

Annabeth paused. "Well...you guys just broke up."

Rachel readjusted her position to look at her seriously. "Oh my God, Percy's an idiot."

When she was met with another bewildered look, Rachel just gave her a mysterious shake of her head. "Percy didn't tell you the real reason why we broke up, did he?"

It was safe to say that Annabeth was stunned and puzzled beyond belief, but before she could ask the other girl about it, Calypso and Hazel joined their table, forcing her to clam up about it.

As much as she hated to admit it, Annabeth spent majority of History pondering over the confusion she was feeling.

When Percy had told her about his break-up with Rachel, Annabeth had felt something she hadn't expected at all; relief. Why?

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