#50 - A Bittersweet Goodbye

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Chapter 50 - A Bittersweet Goodbye
published: Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Annabeth stood on her doorstep, staring at the rising sun. The sky was streaked messily with orange and pink, clouds blanketing the horizon as far as she could see.

It was beautiful, and so, so bittersweet. Fitting.

This was harder than she'd thought. She couldn't bring herself to budge from the door. Years of excitement had led up to this moment; moving away from home and delving into her future alone. Annabeth hadn't expected to feel this terrified.

"Annabeth!" Helen called from the car. She was impatient, but her expression was understanding. "Time to go." All Annabeth's things were loaded up into the car for the short drive to Yale.

Annabeth swallowed. She had had three whole months with Percy and her friends, simply enjoying their last moments together. Except that she'd been in denial about her leaving date until now. It had been circled on the calendar in the kitchen, but Annabeth took to ignoring it every time she passed the fridge.

Hesitantly, Annabeth made her way down the steps. She didn't know how to feel, a brick of anxiety lodged in her chest. God, she wasn't ready to leave just yet.


Annabeth's gaze snapped towards the sound, and her breath caught in her throat. A bunch of teenagers were making their way up the road to her house. It was too dark to see their faces, but Annabeth knew exactly who it was.

She raced down the path, bursting through the front gate. Annabeth flung herself on Percy, her arms wrapped tightly around his neck as she buried her face in his shoulder.

Their sighs of relief were released in unison.

"You didn't think we'd let you leave without seeing you off, did you?" he chuckled.

Annabeth drew away, but he didn't drop her hand, and she had never been happier for it. Leaning into his side, Annabeth turned around to see the her other five best friends standing behind Percy.

"Not too long," Helen reminded her, but she disappeared into the driver's seat of the car, allowing Annabeth to make her final goodbyes.

"I can't believe I'm not going to see you guys every day," Annabeth almost whimpered. They'd spent yesterday together in a farewell party at Piper's house, but that felt like a million miles away.

She shuffled her feet. "Actually, I have a few things I need to say to you guys. I meant to, last night, but, um, we kind of got distracted."

"You mean when Leo challenged Frank to a wrestling match," Piper snickered.

As Leo launched into a ridiculous defence of his antics, Annabeth pulled Frank and Hazel aside.

"Hey, so," Annabeth trailed off.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," Frank's voice trembled, and Annabeth could see the rising sun glinting off the welling tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Frank," she said miserably, pulling him in for a hug. "You're just the sweetest guy ever. I know we've only really known each other for two years, but I consider you one of my best friends, you know?"

"Same here," Frank mumbled as they withdrew. "You're the smartest person I know, but you never rub it in my face. Thanks."

"I used to think you were terrifying, and well, I couldn't have been more wrong," Annabeth said weakly. "And you, Hazel, you're the kindest person I've ever met. You're a big reason why we're all here today as friends. I can't imagine going to Yale without both of you being there."

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