#35 - SOS

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Chapter 35 - SOS
published: Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Annabeth spotted the back of her father's head before he saw her. It was midnight, only a few hours after she'd been informed of their decision to split up.

"Dad?" she voiced nervously, watching as her father turned around from his position on the couch. He'd yielded their bedroom to Helen and was currently residing in the living room while she got the guest room ready.

Her father's eyes brightened when he saw her, and Annabeth felt her heart squeeze painfully at the smile lines that crinkled. "Annabeth," he said, agitation bubbling in his voice. "Um, did you need to talk?"

Annabeth's hands were clasped together tightly as she nodded and slumped into the spot adjacent to him. "I, uh," she said tentatively. "I've made my decision. About who I'm going to live with." Taking a deep breath, Annabeth stared at her hands. "I'm going to stay with Helen."

Her gaze flickered up just to see her father's crestfallen expression.

"Dad, please, don't think this means I love you any less," Annabeth pleaded. "You'll always be my dad, and I love you, but Helen is...I just have to do this."

Her father gave her a sad smile. "It's okay, Annie."

Annabeth felt her eyes prick. She didn't allow anyone to call her 'Annie', but her dad was an exception. It reminded her of all the good times they'd spent together before he started travelling more often.

"Remember when you brought me to that roller skating rink?" Annabeth said abruptly. Her father glanced up with puzzlement etched into his features. "And then, afterwards, we went to see 'Roman Holiday' at this old cinema."

"That was before I met Helen," her father said softly. "You still remember?"  When she nodded in response, he sighed, smoothing over a few strands of grey hair. "Oh, Annabeth, this has all brought it to my attention that I haven't been...the best parental figure in the last few years." He shook his head. "Scratch that — I've been a terrible father. I don't quite know when it happened, but somewhere along the way, I stopped spending time with my daughter, who is so incredible."

Annabeth felt her cheeks warm.

"I hope she knows that I'm so proud of the person she's become." He wrapped an arm around her as Annabeth allowed herself to sink into his side, closing her eyes.

"I'll still get to see you, right?" Annabeth asked hopefully. "Holidays, weekends..."

"Of course," her father chuckled. "I've cleared my calendar for the Thanksgiving weekend. How do you feel about coming to spend it with me?"

Annabeth exhaled slowly. "I," she started. "I feel good about it." She returned the hug, wrapping her arms around him. "I love you, Dad."

"I love you too," he whispered, pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead.

They sat there until the minute hand on the clock signalled 12.15am. Annabeth reluctantly shifted away. "I have to go tell Helen now."

Her father gave her one last squeeze before she traipsed out, preparing to head to the bedroom. A part of her was sadder than she'd ever been, but the other half of her felt good about this; a refreshing start.

<<< >>>

"So, how're you dealing with everything?" Percy sipped on his coffee, angling his gaze at her expectantly.

Annabeth rubbed at her eyes. "Well, my dad moved out today. So I guess it's official." It had been two weeks since their declaration about the divorce, and things were starting to become a surreal reality.

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