#19 - First Date

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Chapter 19 - First Date
published: Thursday, 16 April 2020

surprise ! irregular updates (at least one a week) before quarantine's got me on a writing streak and i've just finished chapter 25!


Annabeth mulled over her book as she ate her food absently with one hand, her other hand preoccupied holding 'Pride and Prejudice' up.

Her friends were late — she had no idea where — but she'd decided that lunch just couldn't wait.

Her gaze flickered to the door's entrance, as it had every few minutes, only to feel her stomach turn when a familiar brunette traipsed in.

Don't look at me, Annabeth repeatedly begged in her head.

Of course, Calypso spotted her almost instantly and waved at her brightly.

Annabeth wanted to crawl up in a hole and die.

Calypso had been here for a couple of days, and Annabeth had thus far successfully avoided her as much as possible. She didn't want to risk snapping at the other girl for no real reason.

"Where's Hazel?" Annabeth inquired, hopefully not sounding as hasty as she felt.

"Detention," Calypso said with a shake of her head and a bemused smile. "Apparently Percy and Frank made her late to class this morning. I was let off because I'm an exchange student."

They sat in awkward silence for a few moments as Annabeth studied the other girl. She seemed completely fine. Very sweet. Funny.

Why. Didn't. Annabeth. Like. Her.

"So," Annabeth started, trying to delve further into whatever she was feeling. "Being an exchange student, what is it like?"

Calypso shrugged as she pulled out a sandwich from her bag. She was vegan, so she brought her own lunch everyday. "It's fun, I guess. I miss my friends and family back home, but it's nice to meet new people."

"What do you think of us?" Annabeth asked curiously. She really was curious. What must outsiders think of them when they were all acting crazy?

"You're all wonderful," Calypso chuckled. "Hazel's really nice, and Percy's been welcoming, but the school environment here is so different."

"Really?" Annabeth said in surprise.

Calypso nodded, enthused. "There's much weight on social life, and it's like in the movies with rumours and gossip."

The knowing look Annabeth received made her wince. "Oh, you've heard the, uh..."

Calypso reassured her, "Don't worry, Percy already told me which ones aren't true." She paused. "Though, I'd like to hear it from you."

Annabeth averted her gaze to her food.

"Are you and Percy a thing?"

"No," Annabeth admitted. It was true. They really weren't. They were just friends, and somehow had managed to bring their own friends together. But they were just friends.

Why did that bother her so much?

"Do you like him?"

Annabeth swallowed. "No." The uncertainty in her tone was evident even to herself. "Do you?" she blurted out the question that had been on her mind the entire week. 

Calypso made a humorous noise in the back of her throat. "Well, I wouldn't say I like him. But he's cute, nice, and," she sighed. "Very clearly has feelings for someone else."

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