#47 - Think, Annabeth

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Chapter 47 - Think, Annabeth
published: Wednesday, 11 November 2020


That was the first thought to enter Annabeth's head.

She groaned softly, pain emanating from almost everywhere in her body. Her head was throbbing, her arms were painfully pinned down, and there was an ache in her legs.

A rush of memories flooded her. The vehicles colliding. Their car flipping over a couple of time and probably giving Annabeth a nasty concussion. She blinked the wetness in her eyes away. Not now.

Adrenaline pounded in her veins as Annabeth struggled to get a look around. The car was upside down, and the windows were absolutely smashed, small glass pieces scattered everywhere, and probably embedded somewhere on her body.

"James," Annabeth croaked. "James." She struggled to turn her head to the right, but when she did, she saw the detective lying unconscious with a nasty gash across his forehead. He was breathing though; always a good sign.

With trembling hands, Annabeth tried to push the car off her. No, that was a stupid idea. It didn't even budge. Next, she tried to wiggle her way out via the window, pushing down the car's air bags that had exploded out during the crash.

Her right arm was almost wrenched out of its socket, and she released a hiss of agony, but Annabeth got her arms out. With a weird clawing motion, she pulled herself forward, dragging her legs out in a fashion that was going to scar them for weeks on end.

Annabeth felt the rough tar of the road graze her knees and elbows, but she was glad to be out of there. When she turned back exhaustedly, she saw the car was an absolute wreck. The rear end had been smashed in and the metal was crumpled like paper.

She hurried to James' side of the car, and with a few pulling and pushing motions, managed to drag him away from the site. If the car exploded, neither one of them should be near it.

When she deposited him on the pavement, Annabeth glanced back warily to see car fuel leaking out from its side. The fuel tank had been punctured clearly.

Everything Leo had ever rambled on about combustion engines and cars streamed through her brain.

Her train of thought was interrupted when her eyes roved over to the second car in the crash, and her heart promptly dropped to her stomach.

"Percy!" Annabeth yelled.

No reply. The other police cars hadn't caught up to them yet, and because they were in a seedy part of Queens the rundown buildings' residents were clearly just minding their own business.

Annabeth looked down at James and even though she hated herself for it, she slid his gun out of the holster. She didn't even know how to shoot a gun. In fact, Annabeth was astutely anti-gun and pro gun control, but apparently today was just full of surprises.

As she surged forward, Annabeth eyed the wreckage for any sign of Mortelli or his men. The sound of sirens told her that the police were hear. Annabeth was beyond terrified, but her mind could only focus on one thing; Percy.

She needed to find him.


Annabeth dove instinctively, crouching behind the car she'd arrived here in as the sound of a bullet rang out.

Two figures appeared on either side of her; Sabrina and Nadia, both armed and looking out warily. They crouched behind the car, using it as cover.

"Stay here," Sabrina told Annabeth sternly. "Look, they've already got Percy. We can't," her expression hardened. "We can't let them take you too."

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