Author's Note

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Hello everyone!

I am super excited to write this and I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it! With that being said I want to let everyone know that this is my first story. I am hoping it's not too bad for being my first story. If there are some things that don't flow good or don't sound good, etc. Please let me know!

Now I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I live in a small town and I am 15. In my free time, I usually read. For school, I cheer and I am in H.O.S.A. (Health Occupation Students Of America). I also recently started to do golf. If I don't update enough I'm sorry, I am very busy and write in my free time. Also, feel free to say anything about my story as u please. I would like y'alls feedback.

XOXO Deja <3

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