A pinch of magic

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A week had passed by, my winter break had ended and I had to attend a new school. Nooooooo!!!! I screamed mentally but I had no option. As I was packing my bag I was running down the stairs with a toast in my mouth, trying to multi task.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I ran out.

"Bye mom." I yelled

I heard a faint "bye" as I shut the door and started walking towards school which wasn't very far from home. As I walked instead of listening to music I was staring at the sky, thinking about the green light which I had seen. It hasn't appeared for a week which led me to believe I was imagining stuff.

As I approached the school I heard chattering students which is when I noticed the huge building and a well cleaned campus with charts displayed even on the outside of the school. Not any ordinary charts though, these charts had out of the box ideas which definitely would catch anybody's attention.

When I entered the hallway I noticed various groups of chattering students and heard the banging of lockers, typical. I went to the administration office to get my timetable. The office didn't seem crowded nor was it stacked with thousands of paper piles here and there. It was clean which I assume was one of the reasons why I got my timetable in under ten seconds.

The rest of the day was a normal first day for me where I had to answer questions like 'where are you from?' 'What's your favorite subject?' 'Do you play basketball?', but the weirdest one was 'do you speak English?' Seriously, I'm answering these questions in English what do you think?

After an annoying question answer session about my life by people who would never write my biography, I was really looking forward to lunch. When I got my lunch I realized that the cafeteria was filled with noisy eaters. I could just spot one empty table where a boy was sitting, he seemed to be so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice me standing there with my lunch box.

"Hi" I said politely.

He did seem to hear.

"Hello" I said, a little louder this time.

He didn't seem to hear, again.

"Can I sit here?" I yelled, snapping my fingers in front of his face.

"Oh...yeah sure." He said.

This time I saw his face clearly. He had fair skin and brown shiny hair and dark chocolate eyes which seemed to hide something. Maybe good... or bad.

A few minutes had passed I was eating quietly and so was he.

"You're the new girl, right?" he asked after a few several minutes.

"Yeah, Elina and you are?" I asked. It was extremely annoying being called 'the new girl' by a random dude.

"Nick." He said, focusing on his food.

We didn't speak for another several minutes. Till he started talking again.

"So what's the color of your aura?" he asked me, breaking the silence.

"My what?" I asked.

"Your aura, I heard it helps to get to know people better." He said

Okay, in sixteen years no one literally no one asked me 'the color of my aura to get to know me better. It was just stupid.

"I'm sorry, I don't know." I said trying to sound as polite as I could.

"Well, maybe you should take some test and see what your color is. Mine's purple." He said in excitement

"Cool." I replied, I wasn't interested at all in whatever the hell is 'aura', I just wanted a peaceful lunch.

Unfortunately that wasn't what happened because Nick thought my 'cool' meant what he was saying was 'cool' and not the sarcastic 'cool'. This made him talk about 'aura' the whole time. So annoying. To keep myself awake I even tried counting the times he said 'aura' so I wouldn't sleep, thankfully it worked (I didn't want to come off as a rude person in a new school, you know).

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