Good Girls, Bad Girls

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Nights are beautiful, the stars twinkle and the moon shines bright while you get the best dream you could ever imagine. Unfortunately, nights mean nothing of that sort for me. Once upon a time, night was the best time, even for me, but now night is something sinister and it is all because of this haunted house and its deadly friend Rosa.

So now I wait for mornings to arrive so that I could snap out of my painful and imaginary world and deal with the pain of the real world.

I wasn't too pleased to go to school after what happened yesterday, I wanted to stay at home, but the thought of staying alone in this haunted house whose powers were tremendous sent shivers down my spine. So school was the safer option.

"Ready?" I asked Ari as I put my shoes

"Yup. Let's go"

It was cool when we stepped outside of the house, not freezing just pleasantly cool which I liked.

"This school does have free lectures, right?" Ari asked me.

Our previous school in the town gave us a lot of free lectures, to understand what we had learnt in the previous lectures and to work on school projects.

"We do get some...not compared to what we had thought." I said

"Nice, what about the teachers?"

"They're nice, except the bio teacher seemed a bit crazy?" I said "cause when she heard the rumors she started looking at me weirdly when we were practicing dissection."

"Did you do like the perfect cut?" asked Ari, holding back a laugh.

"Stop" I said, playfully punching her shoulder.

We laughed for a while and then drifted into our own imaginative worlds created by our mind. I was busy studying a rose bush which only had one well bloomed rose while the rest were dying. When I tried to get an even better view I noticed that this well-bloomed rose was also dying slowly...

I don't know why I felt connected to this little rose bush. The rose which bloomed was extremely beautiful but it was slowly dying, which reminded of someone close, except I didn't know who it was...

"Eli." I heard Ari swing her hand in front of my face.

"Yes? Sorry"

"You okay?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"This is the dimension changing street right?"

I looked around and found the blood marks I left on the pavement and remembered.

"Yes" I answered

She then hugged me and smiled. "Don't worry, we'll destroy her"

I nodded.

We approached the school building and thankfully today the whole school wasn't staring me but I heard some whispers.

Then out of nowhere came someone who I didn't want to see, especially not first thing in the morning.

It was Anisha.

"New pal?"

"Why do you care?"

I'm not a rude person in fact I'm the total opposite (not to brag), but she tested my patience and I was sick of it so kindness wasn't an option at all.

She didn't respond to my question and just stared at me, her eyes filled with anger.

"Honey, I know we're pretty but we aren't soo pretty that you stare at us like that" Ariana said, pissing Anisha off.

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