Talking About Love

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This was the first time (in a long time, by the way) that I waited for the morning to arrive, because today I felt better knowing that Rosa had a reason for attacking me and I knew that I could finally stop her now, at least I can try.

Getting out of bed was harder than I expected, my burnt and bandaged hands couldn't support my body, nor could my feet support me, so I guess today's gonna be a hard day...

"feeling better now?" Ari asked me, as I walked now the stairs

"a bit" I said "but thank you so much for your help"

"do best friends say thank you to each other?" she said, pretending to be annoyed "don't talk to me Eli"

I laughed

"anyways, you still need to tell me what happened yesterday? I found you on the stairs unconscious."

"oh yeah..." I said, turning red as I tried to remember what exactly happened after Rosa disappeared.

"and you said you had a brilliant idea." she prompted

In a matter of few seconds, she went from her 'I don't care, I'm sleepy' face to a 'oh god, I should have been there' kind of face. When I finished speaking, she said nothing. Her eyes looked terrified and sorry at the same time.

"what happened?" I asked

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there to help you, Eli." she replied, sadness filling her voice

"hey, it okay. Don't worry." I said hugging her "you know I'm going to need you to stop her right?"

She nodded

"now, I need to get dressed for school and I need your help."

Ari just laughed

"what? Come on" I said, a little embarrassed

"so how do you plan to confront Rosa?" Ari asked me as we headed for school.

"I'm not exactly sure." I said. I mean, I knew why she was attacking me but I didn't understand how I should have stopped her? So now I started panicking a little, what if I didn't have a plan? What if she is stronger than she was before? Oh god I was going to die?

"don't plan your death from now." Ari said, reading my mind

I was silent.

"so, you are sure of her motives right?"

"yes, I am" I replied confidently

"so...just follow your instincts."

That made sense, but there was an issue. My instincts had never worked with ghost so I was still a little scared. Actually, not a little scared instead I was extremely scared.

"what if my instincts lead me to the wrong direction?" I asked

"still, follow it. you'll find a way out and you know that." she answered confidently

She was right. I had to follow my instincts because you don't get reference books on how to beat an 'underestimated ghost'.

"Now you're not worried about not having a plan right?"

"'s hard to say that I'm not worried because I am but you have reduced the stress." I said embracing her in a hug. While I embraced her in a hug, tears fell from my eyes on her pink sweatshirt.

"hey, it's okay, don't cry." she said, her voice was extremely calming "you'll be fine, just believe in yourself."

"I'm dealing with a ghost, Ari" I said, in between sobs

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