Heart Of Stone

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I don't know how I became soo confident all of a sudden, it was extremely unlike me but I felt that I should take advantage of this extra confidence and stop Rosa even though I still didn't have a plan.

The part of not having a plan was still scaring me but I knew that I needed to do something or else Rosa would keep haunting my family and me.

"Rosa!" I yelled, as I entered the house.

No response.

"what are you trying to do, Eli?"

"I'm trying to follow my gut, hopefully it'll help me." I said "Rosa!"

"I'm with you girl" she replied confidently

I didn't know what to say, I never thought she would readily help me knowing that I don't even have a plan. I felt tears building up in my eyes ready to fall out any second now but I tried to stop them from falling because now in front of my eyes stood Rosa who looked scarier than ever.

"Calling me?" she asked in a sarcastic sweet voice


"why? You too tired with life, came to die?"

"no, not at all" I paused, thinking of what to say next "I just ummm came to say that you don't have to be like."

"and who are you to tell me?"

"I...I..." I paused, I should have really thought of something to say "I am no one to tell you anything, Rosa. But is this really who you want to be? Are you satisfied?"

What on earth was I talking? I think I'm gone bonkers asking such questions to a ghost but I guess it was working since I saw Rosa's eyes soften, just a little though.

"I can be whoever I want to be." she yelled

"okay  fine, then why are you harming my family and me? What have we done to you?"

She didn't answer.

"would your family be satisfied with what you have done over the years? Would they especially your mother?"

On saying this she became angry and with a small movement of her hand she lifted me in the air and wrapped layers of what appeared to be rope on my body, squeezing me like hell.

I could hear Ari trying to help me from down but Rosa lifted her in the air and flung her towards the fire place.

Rosa's grip over the ropes increased and I could feel blood oozing out my body, my eyes shutting slowly and breathing became difficult for me which meant I would survive long.

"Rosa" I managed to said, voice barely coming out of my vocal cords

"feel it, cause it's nothing" she sneered "the worst part it yet to come"

As she said this I could hear the sound of a bubbling liquid.

Oh no.

"Rosa, please stop" I cried "I understand what you're going through."

She stopped and she eyes met mine

"don't do this. I know what happened to you wasn't fair, it never was but do you really think killing the future owners of this mansion could help?"

She said nothing, I could see tears forming in her eye. Could ghost even cry?

"please, I'm begging you don't hurt others. It's not going to take your pain away, trust me. Instead just think of what your mother would have thought of you? You love her don't so? So, please just for her stop and think of what you are doing."

The tears in Rosa's eyes rolled down her cheeks and she let go of the boiling liquid in her hand. I felt a little sorry for her too since she was such a nice human (at least from what I have read about her) and now this happened.

"what you are doing is what anyone would have done if they had experienced what happened to you but you are different Rosa you were a kind human being who loved her family and friends so why should you be any different when you are a ghost?"

When I said that I don't know what happened but Rosa vanished and so did the ropes around me which caused me to fall straight on the ground.

did she really go, like go for good?

It was hard to get up and check if she was still there or not due to my broken bones, so I reached for Rosa's mother's pendant (which gave me the courage to talk to Rosa, btw) instead which I thought was on my neck but I couldn't find it.

I was feeling myself panicking, what if Rosa wasn't gone? what if she took the pendant with her and faked the crying to destroy me?

All these thoughts filled my mind until I realized that I was breathing properly and i could hear my heart beat.

I was alive.


chapter cover credit:  Etsy (PINTEREST)


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