The Power of Fire

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"Oh my god James" I yelled as I entered

He was floating in the air and was tied by some sort of white light, just like Nick had told me. The white light seemed to squeeze his body causing him extreme pain. And right in front of him was Rosa floating in the air with some green liquid in a glass jar. Her eyes seemed extremely calm and satisfied like she knew exactly what to do.

"You, what did I tell you?" Rosa turned towards me, she appeared extremely angry like all her plans were destroyed.

"Don't harm my brother." I yelled with little confidence.

"Respect, is what you girls don't have nowadays." She said "whose she?"

"Not your business."

"Don't you back answer me? Once I kill her she, will only be your business."


"What if I don't?" with this she snapped her finger and the grip of the white light rope tighten around James, he let out a loud cry. I couldn't see him this way, he was my little brother.

"Please stop" I said in a soft voice

"Do you really think I'll listen to your 'please', girls at my time worked harder to get what they wanted unlike you who gets everything with a 'please"

She then went closer to my brother, I prepared myself for James' death and how I couldn't protect my little brother, tears began to flow from my eyes when I remembered something. From my bag I removed Rosa's necklace, this would be the perfect time to test if this was her power center or her end.

I removed the necklace and wore it. As she was going to pour that green liquid on James I yelled

"Rosa, would your mother want this?"

She stared at me, especially at the necklace around my neck. This distracts her causing her painful grip around James to decrease.

"Where did you get this?"

"Answer my question"

"Don't you dare order me?"

"Would your mother be proud of this?"

"How dare you"

With this she got ready to attack me as I almost began to make a run for it, but instead the necklace protected me and Rosa fell on the ground.

"Now answer, would your mother want this?"

"You have no idea what's in for you" saying this she disappeared.

As she disappeared, James fell down, Ari managed to run quickly and save him from breaking his bones.

"Should we take you to a doctor?" I asked James

"No...water only please" he managed to say between breaths

Ari carried James to the living room and allowed him to rest on the sofa while I had gone to get a water bottle from the kitchen. James appeared to gulp down the entire water in a matter of few seconds.

"Now why don't you rest on the sofa for some time?"

"No, first tell me how you managed to stop Rosa's attack" he said

"Well...Ari and I went to the library and understood that Rosa's mother's necklace which is the one I'm wearing now might be her power center or her weakness since it was her only possession and she loved it." I said "now how did Rosa attack you?"

"Umm... I reached home early and you weren't there so I went in the kitchen to make a peanut butter sandwich, which is when I saw Rosa."

"Did she tell you anything?"

"She said that I was in danger if I acted to smart just like my sister"

There was a pause, I was scared but I didn't want to tell James I was scared because I had to be strong. All I had to do was figure out if the necklace was her power center or weakness. But isn't the power center of a ghost, its weakness when it is in the wrong hands?

"Okay...James why don't you rest for a while" I said breaking the silence as I stood up from my seat.

I walked up to my room and Ari followed me, her faced concerned just like mine.

"Her power center" I said, shutting the bedroom door "is it the necklace?"

"I don't think it's her power center because it protected you from her attack."

"So could it be her weakness?"

"Might be."

"So the destruction of this necklace isn't the solution, right?"

"I don't think it's that simple, girl. It managed to survive centuries."

"You're not wrong, Ari. So what should we do now?"

"For now I think we can say that the necklace is her weakness, so all we need to do is wait for her to come and experiment."

I didn't know whether I should or shouldn't agree with Ari because her logic made sense as we couldn't do much until Rosa's next attack, since none of us knew what she would exactly do.

But what we did know was that the necklace was our only hope for survival...

The chapter refers to certain people who were an important part of history. I as an author, do not intend to offend anyone reading this. It is only for reading purposes and not to hurt anyone's sentiments.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding ❤
Chapter cover credit:@cyna_mun3 (PICSART)

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