Feeling Fine

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I was sweating and my face was covered in tears, my feet trembled as I walked to the kitchen to get some water. I filled the glass slowly listening to the sound of the water falling into the glass from the jug

What was that dream?

I didn't know what to think or believe because I was extremely scared by the dream and the cries of a dying man. I sipped the water slowly as I thought about the meaning of the dream.

In my previous dream I was Rosa so I could assume that I was Rosa in this dream too. I was a ghost in the dream, which could mean that I was Rosa's ghost? I wasn't sure of whatever I was thinking.

But if my theory is correct then, in my dream I was attacking the buyer of the house after Rosa's death as her ghost, meaning her family was dead, right? God, I'm soo confused but I felt a little less confused when I understood that what I thought did make some sense since Rosa became a ghost after her whole family died except her brothers, whom she killed.

So, if I had put all the pieces of the puzzle together, it is understood that Rosa's brothers killed her and their father using a green liquid and a rope. Rosa then became a ghost and killed her brothers and one of the later owners of the mansion in the same manner. According to the articles, all the other buyers died due to the paranormal which could have only been Rosa's work.

I yawned, so much thinking at 2 am tired by brain so I went back to sleep, praying that I don't get another nightmare...

It wasn't hard to get out of bed in the morning since I slept pretty well after the nightmare.

While Ari and I were heading to school I told her about the dream and what I understood from it.

"you do have a point." she said when I finished talking.

"now I just want to know why is she doing this, since we know her weapons and targets."

"you mean the green acid and buyers of the house, right?"

"yup" I said

"maybe she has some personal connection with the house?"

" I guess so, but the house was only created because of a huge profit earned my her dad."

"we also know that she helped him in his business, right?"

"I nodded

"so she must have helped him earn that huge profit leading to the creation of the mansion..."

"...and that's why she is connected to the mansion."

I smiled. I was happy that we finally found some clue as to why Rosa was attacking and torturing my family, but a part of me wasn't exactly convinced about the conclusion Ari and I came too. It felt like there was more to it than just the mansion, something personal, I guess. however I reminded myself that I shouldn't get involved in the emotions of ghost since an anger one could kill me.

I soon forgot about Rosa due to my hectic schedule and I liked it that way.

Luckily the period before lunch was Math but the teacher was absent so it was a free lecture, which lead to chaos in the class

My math lecture was with Nick who always helped me solve difficult mathematical sum, but it was a free lecture so we were busy chatting.

"so...you and Ariana are best friends?" he asked, making an attempt to understand her

"yes, we've known each other for almost fifteen years now" I said

"that's cool"

I smiled.

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