Chapter 16 - Yusuf

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Last week we started our first semester exams and like a movie, we were all writing our final paper today. It felt great to me since I literally was tired with school already. I knew I would definitely miss my friends though. People like Fatimah meant a lot to me, would I even enjoy the semester break without getting in touch with her? Gosh, where would I even get her contact from? Adnan? No, that idiot would never give me her contact because he loved her and I simply would not go to her and ask for her contact, she would stab me with glares. Maybe I should meet Qudrah, her best friend!

And that reminded me about the carryover paper I wrote with them, that day I had fully depended on the fake linkage given to me by that fool, Adnan but since then I hadn't use it again. I was so lucky Fatimah helped me with the remaining answers if not I wouldn't have forgiven Adnan. But even after all that, I still had poured my anger on him. He deserved it.

Today, after our last paper Adnan and I waited for Fatimah to finish theirs. They had been in the exam hall for nearly two hours now but none of them was through yet. Not even our dear Fatimah, was the paper that hard? Actually, during our time it took me less than an hour to finish. It was Dr Lailah's course, and just two credit units. Well, perhaps this time around she set hard questions for them. That woman could be something else, one moment she's good and another moment she's bad. She was like a chameleon, she could change at any time. Even some of the lecturers were afraid of her. Manners wasn't in her dictionary and she disliked being corrected when she made mistake. I really had pitied her husband...

"Here she comes" Adnan pulled me out of my trance. "My one and only Fatimah" He added.

I nearly hiss at him but that would only give one meaning to it, how jealous I was about his relationship with Fatimah so I smiled instead and looked up to her. She was coming out of the hall alongside Qudrah and other students. Were they asked to all submit? I mulled over.

"Hey, deary!" Adnan stood and walked to her, he couldn't even wait for her to approach us. Nice, he just proved to me that he was Romeo.

"I thought you left" Fatimah said.

"No, of course not..." They kept on talking until they approached where I was, thus we greeted.

"Was the paper that hot?" I managed to ask with my eyes fixed at Fatimah but she kept quiet instead. She did not even care at all.

"We rounded up since o, but they asked us to wait for others after which we were told our resumption day" Qudrah said on her behalf.

"Okey, good" I muttered.

"Oya, selfie!" Adnan said and began snapping pictures with Fatimah. "Adjust your veil, dear"

"Okey" She said smiling.

Qudrah on the other hand was only giggling at them, she might have found what they were doing funny but to me it wasn't funny at all. In fact, I felt bitter in my mouth and I didn't know why. One glance at Fatimah and Adnan made me to feel a piercing pain in my heart. What is wrong with me? I mulled over as I glanced at them again. I didn't just know how but Fatimah looked more beautiful in my eyes today than I had ever known her to be. Was it because today was our last day for the semester? I wallowed, and that reminded me of my intention of asking for her contact from Qudrah. Yes, I should ask for it but in private!

"Qudrah, a moment with you please" I uttered as I gently stood from the seat I was sitting on and walked few steps away from the rest area.

"Is everything okey?" Qudrah queried as she followed me. She really seemed to be curious.

"Yes" I said pulling my phone from my pocket. "Can I have Fatimah's phone number please?"

"Hmm" Qudrah huffed looking into my eyes. "Is it what I am thinking or something else?"

Just then, I muttered a sigh wondering what I really wanted with Fatimah. Marriage? Sex? Friendship? What? I just didn't know what exactly I wanted from her but her presence complemented me. Was it love? I wondered.

"Just give me her number" I demanded.

"Okey!" She said as she unlocked her phone and started saying the number out for me.

"Thank you" I said with a smile just after saving the number as 'Someone Special'.

"Never mind" She said walking back.

And just as I was following suit I met Fatimah's glares. I didn't know why she was glaring at me but I assumed she didn't want me around her friend. After all, I was a bad person to her and also someone that didn't deserve to be around good people but if only she knew who Qudrah was. Although, what happened to Qudrah was something that could happen to anyone. It was a rape, albeit she was the one that caused it for herself. She shouldn't have attended that party.

"You guys done with your love already?" Adnan said referring to me and Qudrah.

"And who told you they are in love?" Fatimah chimed in. "Nothing is between them, Adnan!"

"Is that what they told you?" Adnan asked.

"No, it is what I know!" Fatimah squealed.

"Alright then" Adnan shrugged. "Lets go home"

"Okey" Fatimah said.

And that was how we headed to the parking lot with both Qudrah and I keeping quiet. It was only Adnan and his whatever that kept talking, they were in the front while Qudrah and I were trailing them. Any time Fatimah turned back she would glare at us and roll her eyes. She obviously did not want me to spoil her friend.

As soon as we were in the parking lot, Adnan asked me to take Qudrah home while He – on the other hand – would join Fatimah in her car. He didn't brought his car today because it had developed another mechanical problem.

"Kai Adnan, are you serious?" Fatimah said.

"Yes, dear. Everyone should drive with his..." He was saying when Fatimah quickly cut in.

"No, no! After all I am not your girlfriend and neither is Qudrah dating Yusuf" She bellowed.

And that really made my jaw to drop. I mean, like seriously – they weren't even dating? Ya Allah, You are so... great! The words nearly escaped my mouth but I quickly held them back. And with a lit smile on my face, I heaved a sigh of relief. So, Fatimah wasn't even his girlfriend? Ma Shaa Allah, barakallahu fih... I gulped and widened my teeth in excitement.


Hmm, do you really think Fatimah did all that to protect Qudrah? Air your views, dear fans!

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