Chapter 22 - Yusuf

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Ever since I learnt about Aminah's pregnancy, I practically hadn't been myself at all. I had promised to reach her soon but here I was, still thinking about what to do. The baby was mine, and it might be the only child I would ever be blessed with in my entire life. Hence, the issue of abortion was not even in my mind. Plus, she might die while in the process and I would be a murderer for that since I was the cause of everything that had befallen her...

"Yusuf!" My sister's voice pulled me out of my trance. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing" I huffed as I gently adjusted into a sitting position on top of my bed.

"Is it about dad and mum?" She asked.

"I said nothing!" I yelled at her.

"Hmm, alright then. But don't say I did not ask you, understand?" She said and then continued. "I am flying to Lagos..."

"Lagos?" I puzzled.

"Yeah, for a business deal with Yargote Group. I will spend two days there, so if you need anything just check the vault in my room I left 10 million naira there although I know you have more than 60 million in your bank account" She said.

"Oh yes!" I widened my teeth.

"See him" She said about leaving when I called her back. "Yes, is there anything you need again?" She wrinkled a brow.

"No" I sighed and continued. "Just take care, ok?" I said laying back on my bed.

"You too" She said and left. Actually, she seemed nice to me these days, or was it because our parents left me under her care? Though that didn't really used to stop her from poking fun at me at times.

Buzz... buzz... buzz...

My phone began vibrating and at the same time ringing. I didn't hesitate to check the caller i.d and when I did, I found out it was Aminah. I had saved her number the moment we departed that day. "AsSalama Alaykum" I said as soon as I unhesitatingly picked the call.

"Wa'alaykumus Salam..." She said and then sniffed. "Come to our house, now"

"Your house?" I puzzled. "Is everything ok?" I asked hopping for a quick reply.

"Just come to our house please" She said and before I knew it, she ended the call.

Thus, I hurriedly withdrew from my bed and changed into a decent attire before driving to the house. It was as though hell awaits me, I was so scared yet I was willing to face anything for Aminah. I was the cause of everything and so I must take full responsibility!




I gave their gate 3 consecutive knocks and just then, a man opened it gently. "How may I help you, please?" He said.

"I am here to see Aminah" I said.

"Aminah?" He chuckled. "Not around"

"Please," I blurted just as he was about closing the gate. "She called me over..."

"Right? Then call her on phone to come and get you in" He said closing the gate.

God! I muttered as I quickly pulled out my phone from my pocket and sent her a text message. "I am by your gate, pls!"

Thus, she came out few minutes later with her luggage. As confused as I was, I asked her what exactly was going on and she told me her uncle had sent her packing. I was shocked, I thought she called me to see him. Her eyes were so red and I could see traces of tears in her face, she must have cried incessantly.

"Aminah I would like to talk to your uncle, please lead me to him" I said.

"Not today, he's very angry" She said.

And looking at how she stood by the sun with her luggage, I felt some moist in my eyes. As young as she was, she was pregnant. Will Allah even forgive me if something bad happens to her? I thought while staring at her flat belly.

"I am so sorry" I said with a sigh.

"Sorry will never change anything, the best thing is to abort it" She suggested.

"No!" I protested.

"But why?" She asked. "Don't you know the shame it will bring to our families if we don't get rid of it? I am asking you!"

"Not when we keep it a secret" I said.

"And how is that possible?" She asked.

"By isolating yourself" I responded.

"Until I deliver the child?" She rose her brows. "That means no school for me!"

"Yes, but please have faith in me. I will In Shaa Allah make it up to you" I said.

"Okey, na amince" She said after nearly a minute or so of silence. "But idan har ka yaudare ni bazan yafe ma ba, ever!"

"I will never betray you" I assured her.

"I hope so..." She said and then asked me to drive her to her friend's house.


Hmm, I actually tried so hard to make this chapter sound real but I couldn't. I just hope you liked it, did you? Tell me.

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