Chapter 53 - Fatimah

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When few weeks ago my parents traveled, I had read a lot about our company. From the beginning to the end, and the problems we faced with rivals like DAF Limited, Yargote, and so on. It was educative, and I'd enjoyed every bit of the files. In few days time, I was done already. Hence, I started checking the affairs of the company starting from down straight to the top. Everyday I would spend hours walking from unit to unit. However, Munir didn't know what I was planning. I didn't confront him and he never cared to confront me either. He probably thought I would never dare plan what I was already plotting against him but only time will tell.

The situation of our company wasn't good, especially when it comes to production. It seemed as if we were already falling apart. Many machines weren't even working and some were on the verge of malfunctioning. And when I meet the chief engineer, all the responses he gave me didn't make sense. In fact he was trembling, and seemed scared.

Thus, I decided to ask one of the labourers. And when I did, he requested for a privacy with me after which he told me everything concerning the corruption of the engineers, they hardly service the engines and service allowances are given to all of them weekly. It was unfortunate, how my father and his board members didn't know about it. Why waste time in office enjoying air–condition and not check the affairs of the company?

A lot had to be addressed and tackled, else there would be no Bulama Cooperation in years to come. All the studies I conducted proved my father's incompatibility, he had failed to address the important issues thus allowing some of the senior staff to engage into looting and other acts of misconduct. I thought Munir would address some of the issues but he didn't too. Hence, I prepared myself to replace him as soon as possible.

Replacing Munir would not be as easy as it might seemed to be. So I decided to use our burnt down factory evidences against him. Alhamdulillah, Yusuf still had the file with him. Thus, he came to our house today and handed them to me after which we had ate breakfast together. "Goodluck" He had said.

"Thanks, Yusuf" I had replied while smiling.

And after he left, I fully prepared myself to confront Munir. I had also prayed for God's assistance before finally driving out to our head office with my father's gun in my bag incase he tries anything selfish. I wished to have a private talk with him but when I was told he was in the conference room with all our board members, something told me to confront him in there. "AsSalama Alaykum" I entered the room. He didn't obviously seem to be surprised seeing me, but his eyes were glued on the files I'd embraced on my chest.

"Wa'alaykumus Salam..." Some of the board members said, while some remained silent.

"I am sorry for the interruption!" I said as I walked over to an empty chair and sat in it.

"Continue please, Mr Ayodeji!" Munir said, completely ignoring my presence. He was folding his two arms across his chest while sitting majestically in the CEO swivel chair.

"Okay sir," Mr Ayodeji cleared his throat as always and continued. "The cooperation is gradually crumbling, we need to layoff like 100 to 200 staff members as soon as poss..."

"Lay what?" I bewilderedly chimed. 

"Layoff some staff" The man repeated.

"No, our problem isn't from the number of staff members we have. Our problem lies confidently on those looting our money. If nothing is done about them, even if we do what you are proposing it will not change anything..." I said as Munir quickly cut in.

"And what's your suggestion?" He queried, and that made me to beam in satisfaction.

"I want you to step down for me to do the needed things" I said and thus he giggled.

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