Chapter 54 - Yusuf

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Today was a terrible day for me, the entire media was flooded with Aminah's atypical interview with Wattpad Tv. She told them everything about us. However, what really hurts me more was our pictures that she'd shared with the world. Yes, the ones we all snapped during our frequent outing days. She was asked so many questions, and also about my parenting relationship with her.

"Truth be told, Yusuf is a very caring man. There is no man like him when it comes to taking care of us. He loved our daughter so much, and loves spending time with her. I think his wife to be is lucky!" She had said. And when she was asked if she would ever like to marry me, she had nodded her head. "Who doesn't want good thing? I love him!"

The interview lasted only for 15 minutes, it became the topic of discussion everywhere. Even in our head office, I could hear people murmuring. Soon afterwards, calls started bouncing into my phone. Same as to texts. I didn't even know what to do, hence I dialed Aminah's number. "Why, Aminah?" Was the first thing I said to her as soon as she picked.

"Sorry, the world needs to know..." She said.

"About us, huh? You think doing all that will make me ever marry you?" I shouted at her.

"No, but at least you and the woman you're willing to marry will have trust issue from now on!" She said, and then ended the call.

Even before she ended the call, there was a sign of an incoming call. It was from Adnan. Many of my friends and ex colleagues kept calling me but I could not pick their calls. I needed only one thing now, to be left alone.


After almost an hour of ignoring continuous calls and texts from people, my sister called me. She was my blood, my only sibling, so I picked up. "Yusuf, is it... true?" She queried. And for unknown reason, I broke into tears. "Hey, stop crying. You're a man fa, kaji koh?"

"It... it was all a mistake" I said amidst sob.

"No, no please... it's the best dai" She uttered. "It's the best and I am happy for you, Yusuf!"

"Happy for me?" I puzzled.

"Yes, you are lucky. How I wish it's me. You know I'm still battling to conceive" She said.

"I am sorry" I sniffed.

"You don't have to, just keep praying for me and my husband. And always thank Allah, even if your life is in deep mess..." She said.

Her words put a smile on my face.

And after the call, I decided to call Fatimah. But unfortunately, she refused to pick. Thus, something told me to just text her a message.

"I am sorry my love, I know you've also seen the mess I created. I swear, if I knew I would make Aminah pregnant then I would not have slept with her. But everything came very fast, and I ended up being scared to tell anyone. Believe me, I had no intention on keeping the secret with me forever, I wanted revealing it after our wedding. But Allah has done what's best. What happened between Aminah and I was something of the past, it'd happened on your orientation day. And you know how bad I was as of then. Fatimah I am very sorry, I love you and you alone. Please don't turn your back on me, you know who I am and you know my past before you accepted me. So please Fatimah, find a place in your heart to forgive me dan Allah!"

I sighed in relief after sending her the text, even though she didn't reply me back. She needed some time alone to heal, you know?

Ya Allah, please help me. I prayed.


After having found composure, I decided to prepare for home. I called my secretary, he came and I gave him some of my unfinished works. "You know what to do" I headed out. The way he had looked at me, it was so clear the news had reached him too but do I care?

I took the elevator, straight down floor and then walked out of the building with almost all the staff members looking at me... They should better mind their business."Sir, sir!" The media people rushed over to me. I was surprised, actually, and who let them in...? I could not complete my thought when I saw Alhaji Abdullah by the gate talking to some other board members. No need for further enquiry, they were the ones that let them in, period! Perhaps they want me to come clean. "Sir, sir... please what can you say about the recent interview by Aminah Jigawa?" One of the reporters asked while pointing me a mic.

"Well, everything you heard is true. I'd also watched it, and yes Farzana is my daughter. Those that are judging me should continue, while taking note... because nobody is above the mistake I made. As for Aminah, she isn't grateful. I mean, who would impregnate the woman he doesn't love, and then carter for her needs? Some would even runaway, but here I am taking care of her and our child!" After having said all that, I was asked again.

"Please sir, is... is Farzana your only child?" The question hit me so hard, it made me to heave a sigh and think deeply inside me...

What if I have another child somewhere? I really had slept with women, and I mostly didn't use protection. Now I know how Evil Zina is, and I wholeheartedly regretted the things I did. Oh Ya Allah, I do not pray that I have another child somewhere else. Please, I really don't want more problem for myself. Help me please, Ya Allah. Help me please...

"Sir, is she your only child?!" The reporter queried again, thus I decided to reply him.

"Yes, she's the only one!" I uttered and left.

As soon as I was in my car, I drove off in a very high speed until I met traffic along the road. And the moment I reached home, my uncle welcomed me warmly without even interrogating me about the interview saga. Perhaps he didn't know about it yet, or he wasn't just in the mood to talk about it yet!


Another update again...

I am also eager to finish!


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