Chapter 29 - Yusuf

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"So you knew she was Alhaji Bulama's daughter and you didn't even apprise me?" I muttered glaring at Adnan. Yes, all that while he should have told me about it. If only he had told me about it then maybe... just maybe, I wouldn't have pushed myself into her life this far. "Don't you have anything to say?"

"What should I say, dan Allah?" Adnan coughed and continued. "You knew her before me fa, or have you forgotten?" He said. And that reminded me of the day we met both Fatimah and Qudrah in L-Spot, that was his first time of seeing them and also the same day I gave him green light to court Fatimah. How stupid was I to forget about that?

"I am sorry" I said adjusting my sitting position on his couch. "For everything"

"You've done nothing, bro" He coughed again and continued. "But... you should have told me you love her that day too"

"I swear I wasn't sure of my feelings for her as of then, I am so sorry..." I huffed.

"It is okey, after all she doesn't love me" He said turning to the other side of his bed. "The thunder has been grumbling since, and I think you should go home"

"Are you sending me away?" I asked.

"No, I just don't want rain to keep you here till tomorrow ne kawai" He said.

"Okey" I muttered after nearly a minute of silence. "I wish you quick recovery..."

"Thank you" He waved at me.

"Alright" I said as I withdrew to my feet. And just as I was about leaving, he told me something that really surprised me.

"There is indubitably no true love in this world without adventure. If you both truly love each other, then you must face whatever comes your way in order to be with each other!" He said.

His words really made sense but how on earth would both Fatimah and I be able to face the challenges ahead of us when in fact our parents were plain rivals? Alhaji Bulama wouldn't dare give me his daughter no matter what.

"Goodnight, bro!" Was all I could say to Adnan. Thus, I gently left his room with lot of thoughts pacing allover my mind.

Just as I was heading towards the gate as fast as I could, Lubna appeared from nowhere and blocked my way thence folded her arms across her chest. She seemed angry, and I knew why. It was because I had totally ignored her, if only she knew why I wasn't interested in her anymore. "You tried..." She said.

"Tried kuma?" I puzzled. "Look Lubna, rain is about falling and I have to..." – I couldn't complete my words when she hugged me and placed her lips on mine. God knows I tried to control myself but I couldn't, I found myself wanting to do even more than that but then the wind shoved us apart. "The wind is jealous!"

"You can say that again" I smiled.

"Uhmm" She heaved a sigh. "Go home before you get yourself drenched fa..."

"My car is outside" I chirped.

"Okey, go before someone sees us" She uttered, smiling mischievously at me.

"Alright" I nodded my head even though I wasn't happy with how the kiss ended, it was sudden and I really disliked that.

"Goodnight!" She said while moving backwards. "Dream about me, kaji?"

I was so... speechless, I could not even utter another word and that was how she left me there as confused as I was!


When I drove back home, I took a warm shower thinking about what really happened between me and Lubna. I truly didn't see it coming!




"Yusuf, can we talk please?" My sister said the moment I stepped out of the bathroom and headed into the closet.

"I am busy!" I squealed.

"Doing what?" She queried.

"Must you know? Well, I am changing. So, you really should wait!" I uttered.

"Mtsww, as if I haven't seen everything in the past already. Do quick!" She said.

"Whatever!" I squealed.

As soon as I was done changing into my nightwear, I walked straight to the door and opened it for her. She was dressed in a new outfit; a black inner dress or should I say vest, and a kimono. And her hair was packed in a ponytail. Was she going out in such a rainy weather?

"Nightwear? Go and change abegy, you are escorting me somewhere" She said.

"I am sorry, can't go anywhere" I said.

"Why?" She wrinkled a brow.

"I am tired" I said about shutting the door off when she pushed me inside.

"Go and change else..." She said.

"Else what?" I wrinkled a brow.

"Just do as I said, please!" She said.

"Fine!" I squealed heading to the closet.

After getting myself dressed into a very tight caftan, I wore a matched—colour jeans and then walked out of the closet.

"Good, ko kai fa?" She said smiling.

"Mtsww" I frowned my face.

Thus, we went downstairs and then Umma and Zubaina escorted us to our company car with umbrellas. It was warm inside the car, and as soon as I fastened my seatbelt I started feeling sleepy. That was just it, I slept until I was later on woke up by my sister...

"Kai, tashi. We've reached our destination..." She patted me.

And just as I gently opened my eyes, I saw us at the main entrance of Minna Airport. I was practically surprised, and before I could ask her what we were doing there my eyes landed on our mother standing with her luggage.

"Mum?" I quickly rubbed my puffy eyes to be sure of what I was seeing. "Mum!" I stormed out of the car and ran to her.

I had missed her, the last time I talked to her on phone she told me she didn't know when she and our father would be allowed to return back to Nigeria... but here she was, Alhamdulillah. I had to embrace her tight and as soon as we averted I asked where our father was.

"They asked him to stay" She said and continued. "I really don't know why!"


Hmm, writer's block wanted to kill me before my time but Alhamdulillah since I had overcome it with this new update.

Anyways, I have a bad news. A case of COVID-19 has just been confirmed in my state o, Niger! May Allah protect us.


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