Chapter Twelve

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I walked straight to the building labeled hospital. Too distracted to reason why they had a hospital, yet they kept the survivors inside those tents that humans usually had to treat injured soldiers during their wars. I knew that's where she would be after taking an arrow to the heart. I felt very guilty for leaving all those people, but I couldn't understand why I couldn't turn back. The image of that wolf and Malik I couldn't push out of my head. I couldn't be this unfair. Even if he had a baby, he didn't owe me anything. We didn't know each. I had no right to be angry, yet I was. I was shaking even before I knew to stop myself. Tears fell down my cheeks. I couldn't remember the last time I cried. Damn you, Malik!

I finally got to the doctor's building. It was a sort of mini hospital. I had to say this pack was pretty impressive for being so ancient, yet they kept up with the times. I wiped my eyes, sniffled, and walked in.

I tried to sniff her out, and I was making genuine progress by the time I got to the room. I was shocked.

"I'm sorry Luna, but you can't go in," another female wolf said in a lab coat.

"Why?!" I screamed, trying to make it into the room. I pushed the door open. They were literally operating on my best friend. I was so shocked. The doctors all looked up, and I recognized the chief doctor from a while ago walked up to me and lead me out of the room.

"Luna, I'm sorry, but you can't be there right now," he sighed.

"But Aria," were the only two words I could manage.

"She is in expert hands," he assured me. "Besides, she is Lycan. We can only do so much. She'll heal in no time."

I nodded and sat down on a bench beside the room. Did he order them to treat her? Why? Just last week he ordered them to kill her, has been treating her like an animal, and now while his soldiers were back and dying, she is the priority. I shook my head. It didn't make any sense. He was anything but kind. Nothing made sense. If that pup was his, then she wouldn't be suffering in a tent. Then why was he so worried? I was too confused that I started crying again. It couldn't be helped. I was feeling too much all at once. I wanted to go back to him so badly, but my head would not let me, so I just sat there crying.

"She stable you can come back in Luna," the nurse or doctor from before called me in. At this point, I couldn't care less. I wiped my eyes for the second time today and walked in. I sighed a breath of relief when I saw that she was fine. What she said to me earlier still replayed in my head.

"You're the one that doesn't believe in love yet the one that has found her mate!"

I needed to tell her that I would switch places any day. I sighed and held her hand. "Thank God you're okay."


"Where the hell am I?" Aria's voice pulled me out of my sleep. I rubbed my eyes and yawned. "You're finally awake?" I smiled at her. "Iris, tell me that we did not just go to an actual hospital. You know how humans act with our kind?!" she whisper-yelled at me.

"Calm your horses, my friend. We're still on pack grounds."

"Huh? This looks like an actual hospital."

"It is."

Her eyes widened. "This? Here? In a pack?"

"Yes Aria, they have a hospital on pack grounds," she shook her head in disbelief. "You're fine," I said, pulling out the drip in her hand and pulling her to her feet.

"Let's go."

"Oh hell no, I just barely survived an arrow to my heart no way," she shook her head, her wild fiery hair falling to her face. "Iris, honey? I prefer not to get involved in the crossfire between you and your mate." She said, and I rolled my eyes.

"She is right, you know." I know that voice all too well. Klaus.

"I guess you would know, right?" I turned around with a sarcastic grin on my face.

"Look, I understand you have every right to be mad at me and hate me, but I'm here on official orders. Alpha Malik has ordered me to ask you to please come back."

Ask. Since when did he start asking?

"So why did he send you and not come himself?" I muttered, but he heard and looked at the ground as if he didn't want me to know, but I understand stood. "Oh I see," I nodded my head. "He can't leave her." I felt a sharp pang in my chest.

"And if I say no?"

"He said to tell you that. He has a lot to explain and you should at least let him do that and that it's too dangerous to walk around without a bodyguard," he stepped closer "and-" he hesitated.

"And what?"

"And if you still want to leave, then he wouldn't stop you," I sighed in relief and turned to look at Aria as if to say it's all good.

"But-" I groaned.

"But what?"

"But please don't go," Klaus blurted out. My brows lifted, and I scoffed.

"Why?! Aren't you meant to be the pioneer in wishing all the worst in my further travels?" I didn't forget, and I wanted him to know that.

"I know, but you can't just leave your mate and all those people don't deserve to die at least give him one more chance."

"I never gave him a chance, Klaus." I frowned.

"Just go to him. He's too hurt and too proud for his own good to come to you."

"Iris, I hate to agree with jerk face here," Klaus growled. "But he is your mate, after all," Aria said with an encouraging look I wanted to poke out of her eyes. I opened my mouth to say something, but Aria held her hand in front of me to stop me from saying more. "I don't know what he did, but he is still your mate. Respect the bond for me."

"Where is the she-wolf?" I asked.

"In the pack house," Klaus replied. I bit my tongue and blinked to push the tears that stung my eyes. This was an innocent pup I had to help.

"Let's go."


My life has generally gone from bad to worse. I sighed. How the hell am I going to get out of this? I felt like a princess in distress. Wait, is that the right thing? Damsel, Iris, damsel. The past week they have locked me in the highest room in the tower and fed me in the morning by eight, by one, and by six. Every day without fail. After just eight days, it would be a full moon and this douche bag Alpha will force me to be his Luna. I agree I have been in similar situations all my life, but it was normally torture that forced me to heal people, not this. I wonder how he knew that if I was the Luna, I wouldn't have a choice because I would feel the pain of the pack.

I looked at the clock: 1:05 they were late. Suddenly the door opened "took you long enough" I said facing away from the door and staring out the window if they really wanted to treat me like that long-haired princess in a tower I would be just that except with the long hair and the prince.

"Put it anywhere and leave."

"Hmm, already giving orders, eh?" My head snapped to him.

I snarled and lunged at him. He easily flicked me off as if I was nothing but making sure I didn't sustain any serious injury.

"That is no way to greet your future husband now Luna," he winked at me.

"Of course it's not, but the fact is you and I? Will never be that, so no worries," he laughed.

"You forget my dear eight short days" he came so close to me and whispered in my ears, "and you'll be all mine" I shuddered.

Iris: Child of prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now