Chapter thirty one

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When I left Talon's house, I felt a million different things: anger, disappointment, and guilt. It was brutal. I sent Leonard home and told him I wanted to walk alone. Needing to clear my head. I could find my way home by myself, right? I mean exactly how big can a pack really be?

I was so wrong. I could not find my way back. After what felt like hours, I made it out of the maze of houses on the estate. I mean, how the hell do all the wolves have houses? Then what is the point of that massive pack house with four storyes and about eight rooms on each four, for who? I hope they didn't expect me to fill it with children, ooh the thought even makes me shudder.

Just as I thought I made it, I came out from what I assumed was the other side. I had never seen this place before. We had a mall? Hmmm, we? I walked to it maybe I could find a phone. But even if I did, I don't know Leonard's number or even Absalom at this moment. I'd die before I call Malik. He was looking for me already. I still blocked him out of my head. Well, it was a punishment, I guess, one for not giving me a tour of this extra large pack, and two, I don't have a phone. Not that I'll know how to operate it, anyway. But he could always teach me.

It felt like I had been walking for hours, seemed that way as well. The sun was high up and madly hot, but it made me realize how rich and self-sustaining this pack really was. I passed some factories on my way, many restaurants, bars, and even the pack schools. It was huge. But at the same time, I was trying to sort out my emotions as well. I've never felt as guilty as I did today. And meeting that Talon made me resent myself even more. Did she have to be so blunt? Ugh, I don't like her.

I am so damn tired of walking. The sweat that had been dripping was now all dried out. I should have walked back what possessed me to send Leonard away?

I just kept walking. The sun had already gone to the other side, and the evening was cool and breezy. I cannot believe I have been walking this entire day. So much for no physical workout. My body aches so much it hurt to move my legs. I felt sticky and my feet were blistering. My skin burned and when I looked down at my hands, there were pink and painful. Ah, curse my pale skin.

Wait. Isn't that? Oh, thank goodness. The pack house I made it!

"Oh, gosh Luna?" I saw Leonard running down the stairs to meet me.

"Leonard! Gosh, I'm so happy to see you," I smiled. As he walked up to me and I held on for support, wincing where he touched me. He led me to the pack house.

"Where were you? I was so worried. The Alpha has the entire pack looking for you." Trust Malik to be dramatic.

"I just got lost, really."

"My dear!" A familiar voice called out as I entered the pack house.

"Madame Louise," just the sight of her and I immediately felt a pang of hunger. I clutched my stomach as it growled. Everyone heard.

"Oh you poor thing, how about you go clean up and I'll make you something to eat?" I nodded.

As I made my way to the stairs, I stopped. No way in hell was I climbing that. I looked at Leonard. He shook his head. "I'm dead if the Alpha finds out."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm sure he'll understand. Come on Lenny, please."

He gave in and picked me up, bridal style, making swift movements as if Malik would pop in at any moment. Immediately after we reached the room we were staying in, he dropped me off and ran away. At least that took my mind off the discomfort I was going through.

I entered the room, peeled off my clothes, and walked into the bathroom. After brushing my teeth, I took a hot shower. My muscles deserved it, and my skin was already pretty much healed.

Iris: Child of prophecyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora