Chapter fifteen

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"Hey, Iris, what are you doing?" I didn't even know what I was doing. I tried so hard to reel my wolf in, but she was intent on conveying her displeasure. It's no secret it startled me but she oh she was mad. I could feel the anger radiate and course through my veins.

I stood above Malik in my wolf form, my paws on his shoulders, holding him down. As I growled, his eyebrows went up.

"Are you mad?" Gee, I wonder why else I would shift. "You know if you want me to be more careful you have to be more specific, you can just tell me, not that it would change anything but you could still tell me you can't watch me get hurt," he smirked, I don't think he understands, I can't talk in my wolf form unlike his stupid pack of abnormally strong wolves. Leaning forward, my snout brushing against his nose, I growled again and stomped into his shoulder harder. It didn't phase him. As I said, I was a small wolf. I was probably standing at the same height in his human form when Lycan where averagely above six-eight, I was about six feet. Then his eyes widened. "Oh, I'm sorry-" as soon as I heard those words, I was able to gain back control to shift back, cutting the apology short.

He stood up immediately after I got off him and by the time I was human again and naked, he almost immediately wrapped me in a blanket.

"That was embarrassing," I huffed.

He smiled. "I almost forgot that only this pack of wolves could speak in their wolf state. I wonder if they can remember the stuff they do as wolves?"

"I vividly remember, and no, each pack has its unique qualities," I retorted.

I turned to the den. It seems he already dismissed the wolves, great I wouldn't want to be more mortified than I am right now.

"Come on, there is somewhere else that we need to go," he picked me up bridal style and walked away with me into the woods.

"Oh, please, I think I have been embarrassed enough for a day," I groaned.

"Don't worry, you'll like it."

"I doubt that."

"Don't argue. Please, just let this happen, okay?" He looked down at me, and I grinned, "you know I can't do that," he returned the grin, "not that it changes anything," challenge accepted.

"Lemme go!!" I screamed and wiggled in his arms,

"Stop that," he yelled at me, and of course, I didn't.

"You're going to fall."

"Oh, a whole mighty alpha can't hold a small, tiny girl wriggling a little?" I pouted.

He smirked. "You and I know you're more than just a small girl," he gripped my ass. I jumped and pulled away, grabbing his shirt along. You wouldn't guess my timing. We slipped and fell down a muddy slope. Guess I have a knack for picking them, eh? and my luck, the blanket got caught in a branch as I fell. I was stark naked in the dirt.

"Ouch!" I curled into a ball on the floor, again?

Malik got up with a serious look on his face. It was quite obvious that he was annoyed, then as if on instinct, he turned to the sound of water, "Iris?" he said, his tone serious. "I wouldn't be so forgiving next time, and the only reason I won't get mad at you is that in some twisted way, we have actually reached our destination."

"Well, I lost the blanket on the way down," I murmured, knowing he could clearly hear me.

"And? You have legs, right?" He snapped.

"Bu-but I'm naked," I whined.

His eyebrow went up, and he put his enormous arms on his waist as if to say 'so what'

Iris: Child of prophecyWhere stories live. Discover now