Chapter sixteen

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"You have some serious nerve showing up here." An annoying, high-pitched voice resounded in my head.

"Now, now sister, that's no way to say hello," I smiled.

Sitting across a brown-haired woman with a very angular face on which sat striking but pretty visuals. Wrapped in darkness, engulfed in the soft incense-like wafts that danced all around my feet, up to my knees, sending a subtle chill right into my bones. The only thing I could see was endless space and two seats with dim lights only in the middle where the seats were. Incense rose and fell in a dance all around the floor, all around my feet. It was almost hypnotic. But I knew better than to give in to that enticement. "How long has it been?"


"Come in," I called out, responding to the knock on the door.

"Luna, she is awake," I nodded and stood up from the bed, and walked out after Melissa.

I have been waiting for several hours for the she-wolf to wake up. I didn't know what else to do with myself after the fight I had with Malik. "Alpha Malik," I blurted out, immediately correcting myself.

"What was that Luna?" Melissa asked, turning to face me.

I shook my head. "Nothing, don't mind me."

After I left the waterfall, I ran back to the pack house and locked myself in our room. After showering and dressing up. I lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling. While I was ecstatic to leave today, I could not push away or ignore the gnawing feeling in me. What I was about to do today would take me back to the memories I have been trying to run away from for almost ten years now.

"Luna," the doctor greeted me as I entered the hospital room.

"How is she?" I asked.

"She has a fever and hallucinations, and she has been having convulsions for about three hours since she woke up. We gave her anesthetics to stabilize her, but she isn't asleep."

As expected, "So she can't survive surgery then?"

"No," okay, things are going to be nasty, awkward, and absolutely intrusive.

"I'm going to need a sample of the thing in her womb," the doctor's eyebrow went up.

"You want a sample of the child?"

I chuckled. "Both you and I know that what is in that she-wolf's womb is not a child, so please get me a glove and hold her down."

He hesitated, looking down. I could tell he was trying to avoid eye contact. Malik did order them to call and treat me as a Luna after all.

"Doctor?" I asked

"Raphael, Doctor Raphael," I nodded

"Look, I can get why you're hesitant, okay, but you have to understand this is no longer something you can solve with what you learned in medical school."

"Then if it isn't, how are you supposed to help her if the doctors can't? You're just a healer."

I know he did not just call me just a healer.

"Just a healer, just a healer?" I yelled. I opened my mouth to say something but stopped myself. Yelling would get me nowhere. Are all the men in this pack so chauvinistic? "Look, even if I may not wear your pointless lab coats or carry the stethoscope, I have my methods. Besides, healers have powers you can't even comprehend, and I am more than that." I sighed.

"What are you then?" He retorted as if trying to stop me from saying more. I see the respect was very short-lived.

"You're a smart man. I'm sure you can figure it out." The look of confusion etched on his face disallowed me to say more until he knew a complete truth.

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