Chapter Twenty: Moon Goddess.

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I stood yet again in the darkness. It felt oddly comforting and peaceful this time, but no matter how far I looked or where I turned; I saw nothing but emptiness. With one foot in front of the other, I moved, just walking. I didn't know why, but I felt the need to. A few steps later, the sound of water bashing against itself filtered into my ears. Then I finally saw something, soft rays of light lying ahead of me, as if it just appeared. Then I broke into a run, towards the light. Light can't ever be bad, right? I stopped just at the border. The line that separated the darkness and light. It was unnatural, but when is anything normal in my life? Wasn't it meant to progressively get brighter as I moved towards it? Oh well. This was unnerving. For a moment I thought of going back, but decided against it. It was no use.

I stepped into the light. My brows furrowed in a squint and I lifted my hands to shield my face from all the light that flooded my eyes, my entire body. It was as if I had come to life. I looked down at my hand. My skin looked as if it was on fire. I was radiant. I felt as though I was the sun. What used to be an awkward pale now looked as if rivers of light were rolling about of my body.

I liked how it made me feel. And the warmth that wrapped around me like a blanket, a warm hug... Malik. I shook my head. Not now Iris, I walked further into what seemed to be an open space. Until I saw the colors. My breathing stopped. It was magnificent. It was beautiful. Every color on this earth was here. The trees looked vibrant and the colors that bounced of the flowers felt so radiant, like they would burn you. For the first time in a while. I could breathe. This time it was like the air was made for my lung. It just went in. It was warm and soothing. I kept walking towards the sound of the water. As I got closer, I saw wolves. Their colours were unreal. When was there ever a purple wolf? I know right I saw it. Different colours, red, green, sapphire. They were beautiful. As I got closer, the colors of the wolves faded into one another, and there were like rainbows. They payed me little attention as I walked by through the thick forest that I could still clearly see the sky and sun. It seemed so close that I could reach up and touch it. I walked out of the canvas of the tree to the river. But as I approached, the scenery was no longer bright. It became a different shade of navy blue. The sun became the moon, and the sky produced stars. My mouth dropped. It was breathtaking. And as different as it was, it was never any less bright than before. I wondered how the moon could bring the same intensity of light as the sun. I couldn't look at the moon straight any more. It had the same effect that the sun did. It was so bright.

I turned back to look at the forest. Maybe it was just me. But no, the forest was still bright as day, literally. Yet there wasn't any clear indication of when I walked out of that light, unlike the obvious line from before. If there was a gradual shift or some portal, I did not notice it. I walked along the stream that sparkled in the moon.

My hand itched to dip it in. It was beautiful. This whole place was beautiful. I finally reached the end where I saw the waterfall that I had been following. It had many colors in the water. But then I saw fire, fire in the water. Now that can't be right. I walked to where it was got into the water. The water lifted my gown to pool around me as moved to the fire. The water came up all the way to my chest, soaking everything. But it felt sweet against my skin. Slowly pulsating and caressing my skin. I could stay in here forever. I reached the edge of the waterfall, at the point where the falling water smashed into the stream. It was a battle to stay there against the current. But I had to see if there really was a fire in the water. I put my hand where the fire was, but I didn't feel anything. In fact, the image scattered as my hands went it. And wobbly came back when I withdrew my hands. At this point, I was completely soaked. I am so confused right now. So I decided to walk into the waterfall and what do you know I came out at another side? When I said that the other side was beautiful, I was lying. Here was.... I have no words. The water under my feet was glowing. Immediately, I came from the other side. The water level fell to my feet. Right below my long dress, I didn't know the origin of. I was dry. Completely dry. Okay, this is not weird at all. I walked in the glowing water, following the path. I was in a cave line with stems and flowers that decorated it inside. It got bigger and bigger and though it was covered, I could still see the moon. Just like I could still see the sun, although the trees covered that world sky. I didn't know how to explain it.

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