Chapter Nineteen

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As soon as I stepped out of the pack house, the wind caressed my skin. Pushing my hair to my face. I sucked in the air greedily, tucking the loose and free strands swaying around my face behind my ear. The pack was outside. They were all standing, looking as I walked past them to the border.

News certainly travels fast around here. I saw Leonard standing at the very end, his eyes begging me to stay. I gave him a weak smile. He nodded, baring his neck in submission. Amongst them all, I would miss him the most.


My wolf snarled. It broke my heart, it really did. But I just had to do this for my sake and his. My mate.

I stopped walking at the border; I turned around to look at the place that had caused me so many emotions. Emotions I never had the privilege to feel. I looked at Aria. She smiled at me, encouraging me just as she promised.

We held our hands and left.


The drums sounded like heartbeats. The air rested heavily, surrounding me with a weight I didn't want to bare, and I found it hard to breathe. Tension thick as steel, the heat did nothing to stop my shivering. Oh, goddess. He was really serious about making me his Luna. They adorned me like a lamb to the slaughter. My heart was thumbing in sync with the drums. Aria was not where in sight. I followed quietly, racking and searching my brain for something, anything. The darkness was thick as a fog, with the fire in the middle like a flower growing out of rocks. After a few brief moments, I reached the middle. There were howls and cheers. The wolves were excited and pleased. I'd have to admit to myself, that I was a nice catch.

The stupid Alpha stood, smiling. He offered me his hands. I refused. He grabbed my elbow and pulled me to him.

"Look over there," he pointed to the edge clearing. Aria! That son of a bitch. "You wouldn't want anything to happen to her now, would you?" I relaxed in his arms.

Then the ceremony started. I was panicking. It would come at the time when he would need to mark me. I couldn't let that happen. But the only way I could get out of here and still save Aria was to use magic. And I promised, vowed even. It took a lot to seal the dam of magic swirling in me. If I broke it now, there would be no going back. The prophecy will be true. But if I don't? I would be mated to this big hunk of stupidity here. I guess I could survive this, Luna. I should have been able to.

At least it's better for everybody else. Me, Aria, the witches. The biggest stab in the moon goddess' face. She wouldn't be able to win this one. It was time. I barred my neck for him to mark. Yet I curled in repulsion at the thought of his teeth in my neck.

I let the tears that threatened to fall drop. This was it. My life was over. Basically, his head dipped for the bite, but he stopped at my ear.

"So you were all bark and no bite, eventually. I knew I would break you." As if on instinct, my eyes went white. I was no longer in front of a fire, with a pack of animal skin-wearing wolves. No Alpha, no Aria, no drums, not a single sound, nothing. I knew what this was, it was a trance. I guess it irked my subconscious. This was a sort of escape, just for a while. I could stay here for years, but barely seconds would pass in the real world.

Everywhere was black. Silent. Only the sound of my feet in the shallow expanse of water filled this domain. My breathing was serene. I walked. If I could find a solution here, I might be able to save both Aria and me. Then I heard it. Loud, clear, and accurate.

"Such a weak target. I would make her kneel before me. With her abilities, I would be the most powerful alpha in the world." I recognized the voice. It was the stupid Alpha. This wasn't a trance. I was in his head, hearing his thoughts. "Immediately after this, I'm going to ride that tight ass of hers, pouring my seed into her. Until she's sore and I won't even stop." Okay, awkward. This guy is a creep. "I can't wait to dispose of the redhead. I'll have no use for her after this night" WTH!!!

Iris: Child of prophecyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن