Chapter 11

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I walked into the livingroom and saw beer bottles on the little table in the middle.  I started grabbing them and walking to the trash can to throw it away.  From accidentally hitting the bottles together I didn't hear the front door opening.  I froze when I heard my dad laughing and talking.  "Seems you got what you deserved."  He said in a stern voice at me while smirking referring to the cut on my cheek and lip.  "I-I..."  I couldn't even finished my sentence before my dad came over and hit the side of my face.  I stayed looking at the floor but not losing the grip on the bottles in my hands.  I could smell the alcohol in his breath when he got close to my face, "I wish they did more to you honestly. "  I hesitantly looked up and saw my mom grabbing something off the counter not affected by what was happening.  I still couldn't answer I was too afraid.  "Get out of here before I add onto it."  I quickly dropped the bottles and ran to my room.  Swinging open my bedroom door I slammed it closed behind me forgetting Katie was in the room.  "Vi?  Are you okay?"  She was sitting up rubbing her eyes so they would focus.  I avoided her gaze because I knew that my dad had left a mark when he hit me.  "U-um I-I'm f-fine."  My stutter just gave everything up.  "Violet don't lie to me."  I heard her moving towards me which meant I had to calm myself before she got any closer.  I felt her hand on my chest above my heart and knew I was screwed so I kept my head down.

"What happened out there?  Your heart is racing."  Normally it's like that regardless when you're around me.  I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my mom's voice yelling outside.  "YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE ME CLEAN UP THIS MESS!"  My head quickly snapped up and locked eyes with Katie who gasped.  I grabbed her hand and said, "It's not safe for you here, you have to leave."  I could hear my mom start to walk down the hall to my room.  Pushing Katie to my window I quickly opened it and looked at Katie.  "You have to go now.  Come on Kat."  When she shook her head I groaned and looked at my door hearing my mom start to bang on it, "Open this door!"  I looked back over at Katie and saw she was already looking at me with concern.  Knowing what she was already thinking I shook my head and kissed her forehead.  "Please go Katie.  I am begging you."  My eyes started watering and she finally let me help her climb out the window.  I didn't let her say anything because I had already shut the window and closed the curtains.  My door bursted open and my dad stumbled in with my mom walking in behind him.  "Now all of us know that we hate locked doors."  My mom said in a scary calm voice.  Then with a smirk she said, "Now let's get onto that punishment shall we." 

My mom walked over and grabbed my arm harshly pulling me into the livingroom.  She kicked the back of my legs and I fell onto the ground with a thud.  From behind me I heard cracking and whispering.  Afraid of moving I simply laid on the floor hoping the punishment wasn't going to be that bad.  I felt a hard kick to my left side which immediately make me groan and curl into a ball.  Another kick to my back and my legs making my eyes water.  More kicks were thrown and I tried my best not to make a sound and to not let the tears fall.  After maybe 20 minutes they stopped and I felt them grab my arms and dragged me to my room.  Then both let go of my arms letting me fall limp on the floor.  Without a word said they both left my room and closed the door behind them.  I stayed on the ground since everything hurt too much to move.  How in the world am I going to be able to go to school tomorrow.  I groaned and tried moving but had no luck.  I suddenly heard light tapping on my window but I couldn't do much seeing that I couldn't move without it hurting.  The tapping stopped so I assumed it was a tree or a bird.  It was when I heard the window opening I started to panic a bit.  I moved with all the strength I had left to get closer to the window so I could at least face my murder and hope they make it quick.  When the curtains were moved I saw Katie climbing through.  Oh good.  "Vi why are you on the floor?"  She fully climbed through and the moonlight lit up my face.  Katie gasped and kneeled down next to me, "Oh my gosh.  What did they do to you."  She reached out to touch my face and I winced when she came across a bruise.  "Come on let's get you at least on your bed." 

She looked at my arms and saw the bruises covering them.  "This is going to hurt."  When she grabbed my arm I whimpered in pain and tried helping her pick me up.  I had enough strength left to get up to my knees but the rest was up to her.  I felt horrible because having to lug me up even if I was skinny I still weighed a good 122 which is a lot if you are smaller and not used to lifting that weight.  I could tell she was struggling but I couldn't do anything to help I had to just let her try with everything she's got.  Eventually with a lot of pain on my part we made it to my bed and at first I was laying down flat on my back until Katie propped up some pillows for me.  She scooted me up on them when she was done and whispered, "I am going to get some pain killers."  That made my eyes open wide and grab her wrist, "No please don't go out there by yourself.  I can't protect you."  My voice was raspy and deep from not talking for so long.  I looked into her eyes scared and I could tell it shook her a little bit.  She grabbed my hand and said, "I will be okay.  I'll be like a ninja."  She smiled and I couldn't help smiling a little too.  Katie leaned in and kissed my cheek and let go of my hand reaching under my bed.  She grabbed my bat and moved to my door going down the hall quietly.

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