Chapter 16

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I still was avoiding Katie and eventually she stopped texting me figuring out that I wasn't going to respond.  It hurt because I knew that I was hurting her but I just didn't have enough strength to face her yet.  When I was walking to my car after school I heard people fast walking behind me.  Turning around I saw Landon running over to me.  "V hold up a second."  I stopped walking and raised an eyebrow at him.  "What's going on Don?"  He put a hand on my shoulder and asked, "Are you doing anything tomorrow night?"  I thought about it for a second and said, "Nope all clear.  What are you planning?"  He smiled and said, "Movie night we haven't had one in ages.  It's going to be at my place at 8."  I smiled and nodded, "Yeah I'll be there.  See you then."  He hugged me and then left to where I was assuming Martin was.  Going into my car I made my way back home to sit around and do homework in my room.  That thought was diminished when I went to open the front door and ran straight into something with my right eye.  "Holy fu..."  I heard a chuckle and, "Watch where you are going bitch."  I looked up holding my eye and saw my mom and dad standing in the doorway.  My dad had something in his arms that I couldn't even make out.  Frozen in place my mom came up to me and shoved me out of the way making me fall on the front lawn.  They left without another word while I just watched in shock.  I am going to have a black eye I already know it.  I stood back up and grabbed my stuff going inside.  My first target was the freezer to get myself an ice pack.  After I grabbed one I made my way to my room and slammed my door shut while locking it.  I threw my bag on my bed and breathed angrily.  "How in hell are they so calm about hurting their only daughter.  I can't take it anymore!"  I threw the ice pack against the wall and went on a rampage.  I started throwing and breaking anything I got my hands on.  Eventually when my anger went down I looked around.  Pictures were broken, my mirror was shattered, there was glass, papers, and clothes everywhere.  Tears sprung to my eyes and I broke down crying in the middle of my room.  I walked over to my bed and eventually cried myself to sleep.

The next day I woke up at noon with sore hands and eyes.  Looking at my hands you could see the cuts and dried blood from yesterday.  Since my back was against my headboard I could see everything was still sprawled out.  I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.  I lightly touched my eye and could feel the swollen parts wincing when I pushed too hard.  At least it's not swollen enough to close my eye.  I got off my bed and looked around for the ice pack I had thrown yesterday.  I could heard the crunching of glass on my floor while I looked around.  After some digging I found it at the foot of my bed under a frame.  It's kind of cold.  Setting it against my eye I sat down on the edge of my bed and closed my other eye.  Movie night.  How am I going to hide this?  "Should I even try to hide it?   They know my situation.  I just have to deal with their gasping."  Figuring I should at least find a good pair of clothes for later I stood back up.  I found a graphic t-shirt hanging off my broken mirror and a pair of light Jean's laying on the floor.  Grabbing the new outfit I changed and started to grab everything I needed deciding I was going to go out from my window to keep my door locked.  Checking the time on my phone I made my way out of my room to my car.  2pm I still got some time.  What do I do for the mean time?  Snacks I can get snacks.  Going into my car I drove to the furthest grocery store so I could waste some time.  Chips and soda should be enough.  I made my way to the soda section first and grabbed a coke and a Sprite then went to the chips section.  "Oo doritos are good.  Maybe some cheetos would work as well?"  Grabbing the chips I made my way to the check out and paid for everything.  I opened my back door to my car and set everything on the seat and floor.  Suddenly my phone started ringing.  Without looking at the screen I answered it.


"V where you at?"

It was Landon.  I took the phone away from my ear and saw it was already 6pm.  By the time I get over there it'll be the perfect time.

"I was at the store.  I'll head over now see you later."

"Okay cool I wanted to make sure you weren't bailing.  See you later."

He hung up and then started the car making my way to Landon's appartment.  On the drive there I blasted my favorite songs so I would be in a good mood by the time I got there.  Parking the car I grabbed everything and made my way to his room number.  I set down the soda bag and knocked on the door with my now free hand.  Couple seconds later the door opened showing a smiling Martin.  "V hey!"  He pulled me into a hug and saw the bags.  "Here I got this one let's go to the kitchen Landon's over there making popcorn."  I followed him inside and closed the door behind me locking it.  "Hey V!  Glad you showed up."  He stuck his tongue out and I chuckled, "Oh hush you know I wouldn't just bail with telling you guys."  Seeing that they were looking at my eye I simply shook my head accidentally showing the cuts on my hands.  "Let's go to the couch?"  I changed the subject and Landon grabbed the bowl of popcorn.  I saw that the movie 'cowboys vs aliens' was on the screen ready to go.  "Hey nice choi... Kat."  She was sitting on the end of the couch looking down at her hands, "Hi Violet."  That hurt but I deserve it.  I sat down on the opposite end of the couch and Landon broke the tension, "Let's get this movie night going."  Martin and Landon sat on the loveseat together and pressed play with the remote.  I tried to pay attention to the movie but it was very difficult to do when all I could focus on was Katie.  You hurt her she isn't going to talk to you.  Just focus on the movie.  "I am going to go get some chips anyone else want some?"  Everyone said no and so I walked behind the wall to the kitchen.  I poured myself some cheetos but suddenly felt like I wasn't hungry so I grabbed a water bottle instead.  I walked back over and saw Landon and Martin were wrapped up in a blanket and leaning their heads against each other and Katie was staring intently at the screen.  I sighed and sat back down drinking some water.

Once the movie ended Martin asked, "You guys want to go comedy, scary, or action?"  I just shrugged and so he looked at Katie.  "Up to you guys I don't really mind what we watch."  Martin clapped his hands together, "Action it is." He pecked Landon's cheek and got up to change the movie.  I got up to use the bathroom just to have a breather.  I don't know if I can do this.  I took a deep breath and walked back out.  After about 5 more movies both Landon and Martin were passed out so the only ones still awake were Katie and I.  We were watching some sort of thriller but I couldn't tell you what was happening in the movie.  I looked at the time and it was 12:15am.  I wasn't really tired and it seemed like Katie was just as restless.  Once the movie ended we both sat in silence while the end credits rolled.  "Why Violet."  Katie's voice broke me out of a trance.  Confused as to what she was talking about and even that she speaking to me.  "W-what?"  She looked over at me and I could see that she was holding back tears.  "You've been avoiding me, ignoring my texts and calls, I don't even see you at school anymore.  Luckily Charles and Carson haven't tried anything since the fight.  Just tell me Violet if you don't want me anymore tell me now so I can start trying to not hurt anymore."  Tears were falling down her face and it took everything in me not to hold her in my arms until she stopped.  Want her?  "I-I'm s-sorry.  I've been avoiding you because..."  Just do it at this point it's all or nothing.  "I've been avoiding you because I know that I confessed to you that I liked you and I was afraid of you telling me that you never want to see me again.  I thought that if I avoided you I could avoid losing you completely.  And I didn't want to ruin what we had.  I can't have you not in my life someway.  So I am sorry that I..."  I was cut off by Katie's lips.  My eyes opened in shock and I was frozen when I saw Katie in front of me with her eyes closed kissing me.  Oh my gosh she is kissing me.  Wait she's kissing me.  I lightly pushed her back and saw she opened her eyes.  I questioned, "Y-you l-like m-me?"  She smiled and nodded, "I didn't want to ruin anything either but with that conformation I figured to go for it."  I smiled widely and grabbed her by the waist and moved her so she was straddling me.  I whispered to her while looking from her lips to her eyes, "I've wanted to do this for years."  I cupped the back if her neck bringing her down and kissing her with the most passion I could show her.

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