Chapter 20

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The next morning I reluctantly left Katie in bed while I went downstairs to get something to eat.  After of course putting on a pair of pants.  I met Melissa downstairs eating cereal, "Hey Melissa."  She jumped slightly and looked at me while I walked in front of her, "Morning Violet.  Heading somewhere?"  I nodded and grabbed an apple, "Yeah I was going to meet Martin and Landon actually.  We have an appointment in..."  I turned around to look at the microwave, "An hour.  But I wanted to go to my house to change into my clothes."  She smiled and nodded asking me, "Appointment?  For what?"  I smiled and walked around the island to get closer to her.  I leaned in a whispered, "I am thinking about getting an appartment close to Landon's and I'm trying to see if I can get a job to support the payments."  She squealed with excitement and I smiled at her reaction quickly saying, "You can't tell Katie anything though, I want it to be a surprise.  Which also brings me to ask you a serious question.  I want to ask you if it would be alright..."  I stopped and looked at my hands to see I was fidgeting with my fingers.  Melissa put her hand on my shoulder making me look back up at her.  "I wanted to ask you if it was okay if Katie moved in with me."  Melissa didn't say anything or have any kind expression on her face and I was getting worried.  I started to panic until I saw a wide grin staring to take over Melissa's face which made me relax.  "Yes! Yes of course Violet!  Just take care of my baby."  She pointed a finger at me and I put my hands up in surrender, "Yes I swear I will take care of Katie with my life."  She smiled and nodded, "Then it is fine with me."  I smiled and looked at the time again noticing I needed to leave now to make it there on time.  "Okay I got to go, tell Katie..."  Melissa waved her hand dismissively and shooed me off, "Go go I got it."  I smiled and ran out the door to my car driving to my house.  As soon as the car was parked I ran to my room and jumped inside my window.  I looked on my bed and started to go through the pile to find a shirt and a pair of pants to wear.  Finding a nirvana T-shirt and a grey pair of capris I quickly changed and got a message from Landon.

Don: "Hey we are outside you ready?"

I quickly threw on my shirt ignoring the text and went to the window to climb back out.  I saw Martin's car on the street while I turned back around to close the window.  I ran over to their car and jumped in the back seat.  "Okay let's go or we are going to be late."  Martin nodded and started to drive to the apartment complex.  "So V how did you find the apartment?"  I looked at Martin through the rearview mirror.  "Well I had been looking for an apartment for a while actually and I happen to stumble across it.  I have been keeping tabs on it since then and made an offer recently."  Martin nodded and parked the car.  "Let's go see this apartment shall we."  I nodded excitedly and led the way to the room.  When we got to the room I saw the person who was going to show us the apartment.  "Hello you must be Violet."  He offered his hand for a handshake, "My name is Eric I am here to show you the apartment and everything this place has to offer."  He smiled and I took his hand to shake it.  Standing back I pointed behind me to Martin and Landon saying, "I brought friends I hope that is okay?"  Eric waved his hand in dismissal, "The more the merrier.  Let's get this viewing going shall we?"  I nodded and followed him inside along with Martin and Landon behind me.  After Eric showed us the apartment and then the apartment complex we went back to the apartment to sit on the floor.  "So how did you like it?"  I smiled and looked around also looking at Martin and Landon who were smiling as well.  "I love it, I think I'll take it."  Eric smiled widely and I was brought into a hug by Landon.  We all broke into laughter and I started signing the papers.  "I'll get you the money by tomorrow.  Full payment."  Eric nodded and offered to shake my hand for the full deal.  I happily shook it and Eric left me the keys before leaving for another appointment.  "Wow V you really scored didn't you."  I smiled and watched them look out the window facing the street and other buildings.  "Hey guys could you possibly help me start to move in?"  They both whipped their heads around and smiled nodding, "Let's get started shall we."

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