Chapter 12

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A bright light was hitting my face making me groan quietly in annoyance. I went to lift my arm to cover my face when I realized it took a lot of strength and my arm was shaking. I opened my eyes and looked around my room from the curtains being open to looking over at my door which was propped closed with my chair I kept in the corner of my room. Memories from yesterday came flooding back in and I sat up quickly. The pain that shot up my body made me groan out loud and fall back on my back grinding my teeth together until the pain subsided. I felt a hand on my stomach and a body hovering over me. "Vi you need to breathe. I need you to breathe." My eyes were scrunched shut and my head was as far back as it could go and I struggled to get over the pain. Katie put her hands on my face and forced me to look at her, "Violet breathe." Tears where in my eyes and I forced myself to breathe. Which worked for a second until the pain went away enough to where I could handle it. Looking into her eyes helped me focus on something else. Without thinking my eyes flicked down to her lips that were parted slightly before flicking back up to her eyes. The tension between us was growing but I wasn't sure if I was the only one that was feeling this. My question was quickly answered when Katie's eyes flicked down to my lips and lingered there before looking back up. Maybe she wants me like I want her? No you have to stop this. Clearing my throat I went up to sit up and ran a hand through my hair. She sat back and I swear I thought I saw disappointment again in her eyes but she looked away and down at her hands. It was for the best. I don't want to pressure her if anything was there.

There was still tension in the room and I tried breaking it by saying, "So how is school going to work?" We both laughed and I slowly moved to swing my legs over the edge. Wincing from the pain I stood up and from every hit I felt last night came back all at once. My legs gave out and I started to fall but was caught before I hit the floor. "Vi!" Katie had me in her arms and sat me back down on the bed. "This isn't going to work. I don't think you can go to school today." I shook my head meeting her eyes, "No I have to I just caught up with my work and I would rather not miss anymore school." Katie gestured to my body saying, "How are you going to walk to each class Violet? You have one class with Don and one with Autumn how are you going to get around by yourself to your other class?" I sighed and went to stand back up and winced and held my sides but stayed standing up. "Vi take off your shirt." My eyes widened, "W-why?" She didn't answer me but instead moved my arm and took off my shirt. Katie took a step back and I could notice the hurt in her eyes. "Vi this is bad." I looked down and saw all the different colors covering my stomach and I figured my back didn't look any better. I shivered when I felt Katie's cold hands lightly ghosted over my stomach. I can't get over how soft her hands are. She is too good for me. I sighed at the touch and visibly relaxed. Suddenly her hands were gone and I felt a kiss on my cheek, "I'll be right back." Katie ran out of my room and I walked over to my dresser determined to not miss class today. I got as far as changing into capri sweats before Katie walked back into my room with some sort of rub and bandages.

"What did you find Kat?" She grabbed my hand and brought me closer to her, "A rub that helps for pain that I found in the bathroom and bandages to wrap your stomach in so the rub doesn't rub off onto your shirt." She uncapped the container and put some on her fingers before asking me to hold the container. "Holy! That's cold." I flinched at first touch until Katie started to spread the rub across my stomach. I had to hold in a groan from her soft touches because it was surprisingly arousing me. Calm your dirty self she is only helping you. I shut my eyes until she was done rubbing the medicine on and started to wrap me with the bandages. "There all done." I opened my eyes and looked down at her and I knew my pupils were dilated a bit. When we made eye contact I simply smiled and said, "Thank you Kat for everything. I am very happy that you are in my life." She smiled and said, "No Violet thank you for being in my life." I reached to grab her arm to pull her into me for a hug. I buried my face into her neck and held onto her tightly mumbling, "We should get going. You can wear my clothes again." I felt her nod against me and I quickly grabbed a shirt and went to grab my bag from the floor. Ow that hurts. Fighting my pain I walked to the livingroom to eat a yogurt and take some pain medication. After about 4 minutes Katie walked out and I asked, "Ready?" She nodded and I motioned for us to go. Katie drove us to school seeing that when I do anything moving related it hurt like hell. When we were walking to the building Katie held onto my side while my arm was over her shoulders she said, "You need to take it easy today okay?" I nodded and saw Autumn a little ways ahead talking to some guy.

When she turned her head and our eyes met she smiled wildly. After saying something to the guy he walked away and started to walk towards me. "What happened to you?" She kissed my cheek and brushed down the sleeve of my shirt hiding the bruises. I just simply shook my head and Katie spoke up next to me, "She is going to need your help for as long as you can Autumn." Autumn nodded and I took my arm off of Katie to walk to Autumn. Katie let go of me and I wrapped my arms around Autumn's waist instead. "I'll see you after school Kat?" She nodded at me and gave me a small smile and waved to Autumn walking away. I watched her walk away and leaned more into Autumn who said, "Come on let's go to class, it's going to start soon." She kissed the crown of my head and we made our way to class. Wow these pain meds are doing wonders right now. It's a tolerable pain. Sitting down I got my stuff out to turn in and for class. "All set there pretty girl?" I heard her chuckle and I looked over at her smiling with pink cheeks, "Hey don't judge me just because I actually do my work." She gasped and put her hand on her chest acting offended, "Excuse you I do, do my work." I giggled and leaned over to quickly kiss her. "Quit being so adorable." She smirked and said, "Well that would be a little hard, now for you, well you would have to turn off everything about you because you're too perfect." Far from that. I didn't get the chance to respond because the professor called out starting the lesson. After class Autumn and I were holding hands when she suddenly remembered something, "Oh there is a party later at a frat house here on campus and I was wondering if you would like to go?" I thought about it. I need to loosen up away. Plus when was the last time you had a drink. Oh screw it enjoy the night. "Yeah I'll go how about I meet you there?" She smiled brightly and leaned in to kiss me, "Sounds good to me pretty girl."

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