1. A Cup Of Hot Chocolate & You!

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~5 years ago, October 2014, Murree, Punjab~

~5 years ago, October 2014, Murree, Punjab~

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It was still early when the clouds started giving their rain to the grass and trees, when the road became alive with more splashes than my eyes could appreciate. Yet together they brought such a soothing sound, a natural melody every bit as beautiful as a mother's soulful hum. I felt each splash that touched my skin, raising goosebumps all over my arms as I stretched them out of my window. It was as if earlier the street had been a matt photograph, only to be washed as glossy as any magazine page could be!

The dark tumultuous clouds roared again , threatening some more heavy downpour for today.

"Hmm, seems like a beautiful start to a lazy day!"

I hummed to myself as I wrapped my prayer mat after offering my fajar prayers ,and recited some surahs and blew them on my house, my parents, myself and my sister Iman who was sleeping awfully, with her mouth open really wide ready to welcome in all the bugs and cockroaches out there!

What a sleepy brat she was.

I laughed to myself and silently came out of my room. I walked like a burglar, out of my house because I knew, going out at this time , and that too in such a bad weather condition was going to be an unforgivable mistake, specially when Ami comes to know this.

But how on Earth can a pluviophile like me, miss such a beautiful chance to go out for a nice morning walk?

Without wasting a second, I grabbed my umbrella, slipped in my slippers and covered my head with a dark maroon shawl beautifully designed with an embroidery of white pearls and purple stones.

I quickly picked up my straw and mason jar full of hot chocolate, topped it with some marshmallows and chocolate chips. Slowly and carefully, I unlocked the door without making any noise and dragged my feet outside the cottage.

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