35. The Star Of My Galaxy

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~Third Person's POV

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~Third Person's POV

As the bright sunshine danced across her closed eyelids and played hide and seek with her long dreamy eyelashes, she gently rubbed them with the back of her hand and blinked several times in order to recognise her peaceful surroundings.

After two to three minutes of waking up, she realised that one of her hands was locked into someone else's. She slowly turned to her right only to find her own head resting on a familiar shoulder.

Her heart immediately skipped a beat and then started to race faster than usual as she jerked and moved back.
She looked at him with mixed emotions and kept on wondering that how long had she been sleeping on his shoulder and why didn't he move an inch?

He was still fast asleep, sitting by her side on the hospital's bench, looking extremely adorable, melting her heart horribly away.

She didn't want to move, breath or stand up and leave, as she was afraid that he might wake up and she won't be able to stare at him anymore, knowing that he would be watching and smirking at her anytime soon.

She didn't want to let him know that at any cost! There was silence between them, and it was beyond peaceful.

She wanted it to last forever. Till her last breath.

She slowly came closer and raised her trembling hand to remove a thick lock of hair from his forehead and looked at him with pity and pain.

"My heart still bleeds for you!"

She silently whispered to herself while a tiny tear escaped one of her gloomy eyes as she continued to caress his hair peacefully.

"And it hurts alot!"

She murmured as she stroked his soft hair, which were as dark as the depths of the ocean or the horizon at night, with her delicate fingers affectionately.

She kept on staring at him, lost in her own thoughts about a magical world in which they both were meant to share the most beautiful bond ever, until the reality happened.

"You up so early?"

He woke up and looked at her with confusion as she immediately turned her face and wiped her tears.

"Yeah. You didn't go back to home?"

She asked with hesitation.

"I wanted to stay."

He answered spontaneously.

"But I was already staying here to look after Raniya!"

She added.

"And I was staying here to look after you!"

He smiled sweetly.

"You won't give up! Would you?"

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