Chapter 4

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_Chapter 4_

Elliot Warren

"I said you should turn off the music!" I complained. It was already more often than I could count with my fingers and toes that I got a ride in his car. But this is the first time that he decided to play some music.

"No, my car, my rules!" He refused and even turned that crap louder.

"How can you torture yourself like that? I knew it you were a masochist ever since, am I right?" I squinted my eyes in suspicion. "Gosh, this is terrible. You're not only a shitty guy, you also have an atrocious taste in music."

"Just because, you listen to barbie music doesn't mean that what I listening to is bad." He said.

"Barbie music?!" I screech in a tone of outrage in the moment he stopped the engine and got out the car to get my wheel chair and helped me on it. At least he learned how to carry me without making me more crippled than I already was. When he helped carrying my bag on the way to my front door, I was surprised when the door already opened. "Mom?"

"I was waiting for you two," she hurried us inside. I was even more surprised when I saw Livia sitting on our couch not looking so delightful.

"What're you doing here Mom?" Ricky wondered as well.

"Hanging out with my precious friend, I can do that, too, you know," she mocked. "Anyway, why don't you two head over home. I cooked Lasagna besides Liana probably wants some company."

"You could have just said you wanted us out," Ricky mumbled. Before we headed straight out again. Therefore, we made the hassle to go over to his house where I had never been to before and hence awakened my curiosity.

The moment he opened the door, Liana jumped on him, hugging him for a welcome just as she did the last time. "Hey, Ricky!" She surely adored him. 

"Hey, Li," he smiled. There was suddenly a different atmosphere around him. Before it was just an intimidating feeling you had merely by looking at him, now he seemed more approachable. "You already get to know Elliot, right?"

"Not really," she shook her head and let go of him to take a close look at me. Though, instead of saying anything she just continued staring at me as if she didn't believe I existed. And since she didn't show any further reaction, Ricky took over from there.

"You hungry?" He asked me but I declined, not being in the mood to eat anything. So, he guided me somewhere, as I assumed was his room, when I noticed Liana following us. She was still staring at me.

"Uhm, do I have something on my face?" I wondered. But the girl just blushed and hid behind Ricky. Hm, maybe I look scary to her. Breaking my head over it, I almost didn't notice the moment we reached Ricky's room. But when I did, my eyes nearly fell out at the sight of the painting and sketches that took nearly all space of wall in his room. "Did you draw all of these?"

"Why would you care?" He shrugged and let himself fall on his bed. As if that wasn't enough Liana was back at me, staring at me.

"Hey cutie, could you stop staring at me? You shouldn't develop a crush on me," I muttered a little annoyed. 

"Why not?" She widened her eyes with disappointment laying in them and a soft blush on her face. Wait, did she really have a crush on me? I threw a quick glance at Ricky, who was busy being on his phone, thus not paying attention to what we were saying.

"I'm afraid, your brother wouldn't approve to it," I smirked and brushed hair long bangs of her face.

She looked at him and than back at me when she narrowed the distance to whisper something in my ear. "Of course he would, he never says no to me," she giggled. I laughed at that. Apparently that idiot spoiled her too much.

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