Chapter 13

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_Chapter 13_

Ricky Martinez

"What are Christo and Elliot hiding from us? They've been so suspicious these days." I frowned at Derek in confusion when I pointed at the two talking again. And as soon as I would join them they'd suspiciously shut up instantly or avert the topic as if we hadn't listened. "Look at that, is Christo blushing?" I gasped.

"You think those two are hooking up?" 

I widened my eyes at him. "They better be not!"

"Hm, why not?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Because-" I was surprised that I couldn't answer that question despite being so strictly against it but nonetheless I didn't want to leave it unanswered. "Elliot deserves someone better," I shrugged. Derek smiled. A smile that had some mischievous thoughts and intentions behind.

"Someone like you? Don't be so conceited and jealous." He laughed. "Look, I can see you'd spread thousands of kisses for him but you might as well hold back from your desires, who knows whether he accepts your carnal urges or not."

"I don't-"

"Don't try to deny it," he didn't let me finish talking. Maybe his words weren't a complete lie after all and had a hunch of truth in them. But I didn't want to admit it. "Anyway, how's your drawing going? Have you started yet?" He changed the topic.

"Um just rough outlines. I mean it'll take at least one week to finish. Christo did really exaggerated when he told me how big he wanted it to be." However, I wanted to put serious effort since I was dying to see Elliot's reaction.

"I'm really looking forward to it," he pointed out. "Anyway, I gotta go. Matthew was out here looking for me." I nodded and directed towards my next class when suddenly I bumped into someone.

"Kisha?" I wondered, when I recognized her as my classmate. I shared a lot of my classes with her so of course I knew her and she also belonged to the noticeable ones, considering how smart she was.

"Oh Rick," she shifted her glasses back on her nose when her eyes landed on me. "Good, I had been looking for you. I wanted to talk to you, you don't mind?"

"I guess I'm free," I shrugged when I followed her to a quiet pace. I was curious about what she wanted as I thought about the possibilities of our teacher giving us extra homework. "Is it Mr. Hendry again?"

"No, it's not about school," she waved away. "Uh truth is, you caught my interest for a while now and I really didn't want you to know but my friend convinced me to it and said it's better to do it now since you're not dating anyone yet, well at least that is what I assume, please correct me if I'm wrong."

I squinted my eyes in confusion when she started talking so fast that I could barely follow. Therefore, I grabbed her shoulder to make her stop. "Jeez breath and slow down. I don't get what you're trying to say."

She took a deep breath and calmed down instantly. "Right, I'm sorry. What I'm saying is, I like you and I'd like to ask you out on a date some time," she blushed heavily.

"Oh," I muttered in surprise then look to the ground. Me going out on a date? I'm mean she was a nice girl and also pretty and smart but what would Elliot think about it, I mean... wait, he has nothing to do with it like he's just a-

He's just a...

How come I couldn't finish the sentence? I didn't know what he was to me. But I knew he wasn't just someone. He was my... my-


"Rick?" Kisha waved her hand in front of me with a frown.

"Yeah, I would've liked to go on a date but I shouldn't be getting your hopes up," I scratched my neck in guilt. "I already like someone else."

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