Chapter 26

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_Chapter 26_

Christopher MacQuoid

"Chrissy wait! Don't just leave me like that, I'm still talking to you," he followed up and caught my arm to keep me from running away which I had been purposely trying to do for the past week.

"I don't want to talk to you now." I tried my best to free myself from his grip. Though, by the amount of strength he put in squishing my upper arm, it was a real challenge. "Let go, you're hurting me!"

"Why wouldn't you speak up finally?! You can't keep running away from me and expect me to just watch you do so!" And what was so bad about running away? I'm scared for fuck's sake. Besides, facing him now, wouldn't make it any better. "Chrissy, I'm genuinely worried. Did I do anything too upset you?"

My fingers rested on his hand that was continuously attached to me until I eventually stopped resisting, realizing that I won't be able to free myself with force. "Derek, please. Let me go." As I said, talking to him now, wasn't going to get me anywhere, even less at school. But judging from his expression he really didn't plan on giving up. "Please, just let go. Don't make it harder for me than it already is."

And again, I tried tugging off his hand from me but he gripped even harder and pulled me closer. "Promise, we're going to sort this out later. Or I'll personally drag you home and force the words out of you mouth." I bit my lips and looked away. We were already drawing too much attention by standing in the middle of the hallway. "Promise me!" He urged.

I sighed and nodded while having my eyes facing the ground. "Okay fine."

My voice came out as mere whispers, barely audible for him himself to hear but the fact that he eventually decided to let go of me, I knew that he for sure understood me. Afterwards, I just turned around without a second glance at him and took my leave.

But as one thing lead to another I wasn't able to concentrate during my final class for today. Thinking about how I'd have to talk to him made my body upset. Everything could turn to the worse within just a couple of hours. Nevertheless, Elliot and Rick were right. I couldn't just leave things like that and especially not as they were now.

All week long I was trying to come up with a way on how to tell Derek about my feelings for him the most effective way possible without creeping or scaring him off. I seriously tried my best but nothing valuable came out of it. Even the sappiest romantic movies seemed more reasonable at this point.

And yes, I seriously stooped that low that I ended up borrowing some of my sisters romance movies to get some ideas. My conclusion; they were not even the least bit authentic. Writing a letter or confessing through giant card boards, a public confession or just kissing someone out of the blue, that either didn't seem realistic to me or clearly not something I would do. Not by free will at least.

So, once I returned home, I just spent my time laying on my bed, blankly staring at the ceiling with the same thoughts turning and repeating in my head over and over. I think it was concerning that I still didn't lose my mind but instead even happen to keep my calm.

However, my emotions were running wild anyway, I had no control over them. It was so bad that I could easily imagine myself crying in the next second without realizing it. Well, I didn't shed a single tear... yet. Something I should be proud of.

"Jesus, I sound so pathetic," I grabbed my pillow and buried my face in it with a long groan when suddenly the door to my room opened in that moment.

"Christo, have you seen my charger? I can't f- Are you okay?" I could hear the confusion in her voice before I slowly removed the pillow from my vision and sat up.

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