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(Cherry Bomb's P.O.V.)

As we start to ride away no one says anything to me and I think it is because they were all so unsure of what they just saw, that they had no clue what to even say to me. Thankfully as we get closer to the beach Mikey says, "I have a strong feeling that the beach is where the treasure is."

"Mikey, every time you have an idea it gets us into trouble," Data says.

"No, you're the one who always gets us into trouble double 0 negative." Mikey retorts to Data.

"No, it's James Bond 007 not double 0 negative!"

I roll my eyes at the stupid argument and try to think of something to say to my best friend after what I'd done for him, but nothing comes to mind. I am interrupted from my thoughts by none other than Chunk saying, "Guys, I'm not sure about this my stomach's growling, and when my stomach's growling that means there's trouble!"

"Shut up Chunk!" everyone yells.

Then I add on as he continues to complain while we walk our bikes down the hill, "Honestly Chunk, how could you possibly tell the difference? Because your stomach is always growling!"

"Because I know the difference okay Cherry Bomb. And do you have a candy bar or something maybe a Baby Ruth?"

"I swear to God Chunk if you mention food again I am going to kill you!" I say becoming slowly annoyed with my cousin.

We then went down the hill and Mikey holds up his doubloon saying, "Guys, I think I have a match, the doubloon matches up with the rock, the lighthouse, and the restaurant. That must mean that the rich stuff is somewhere around this area!"

So we all follow Mikey's lead about going to the restaurant as we walk we start counting the steps and I am walking beside Mouth. I strain my brain trying to think of something until he says, "Hey, Cherry Bomb, bet I know what you're thinking about right now!"

"Alright, Mouth, what am I thinking about?"

"You're thinking about how you saved my ass from Troy and um..."

My best friend goes quiet for a second and then I finish for him, "How I called you my boyfriend."

"Yeah, that's what I meant," he says taking out his comb and combing his hair.

I giggle at his nervous habit but also knew it was just part of his signature look for his hair.

"Did you mean know what you-" he's cut off by Data elbowing us, and saying,

"Shhh, guys, be quiet!"

"Who're they?" I say to everyone.

"Probably customers," Mikey says back to me.

"I doubt it! This place looks pretty abandoned to me."

"Hey, Kenzie, if that's a summer restaurant what's it doing open in the fall, what if they're drug dealers?" Chunk says.

"Drug dealers, are you nuts? Drug Dealers wouldn't be caught dead in those polyester rags!" Data says to him before I even have time to respond to my very immature cousin.

Everyone waits for a while for the people to go inside the restaurant before we all continue walking when we all hear something like gunshots, "Kenzie, Mikey, that sounded like a gunshot, not the fake ones that you hear in movies but real ones! They are gonna kill us!" Chunk shouts at us grabbing a hold of me.

"Get off of me Lawernce, and stop being such a baby!" I say sharply to him in Hebrew.

Right after I say that Mouth whispers, "It's kinda hot when you speak in Hebrew Cherry Bomb."

"Shut up Mouth!"

"Will you two stop flirting and come on?" Data says.

We all go up to the window and look in seeing some people arguing and finally, we go inside but Chunk didn't want to go in so I shove his fat body through the door.

"This is a summer restaurant, looks like it hasn't been open for ten summers." my best friend says.

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