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Song above is just some pirate music that I thought was great to listen to while I wrote this scene. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

(Cherry Bomb's P.O.V.)

We start walking again for a while and Mouth is walking with the other guys so I stay behind with Steph, Andi, and Brand. All of a sudden one of the guys says, "Mouth, translate this."

So because I loved when he spoke in Spanish I run up and hear him translate, "Copper bones. Westward foams and triple stones."

"Hey, Mouth, I think it's really hot when you speak in Spanish," I whisper.

"Oh, brother," Data says.

"Triple bone this must be copper stone!" Mikey says getting all excited with Mouth's translation.

As we pull the moss away from where we are standing Mikey and I say in unison, "Wow! Look at that."

"Triple stones," I say and Data copies me.

I glare at him and say, "You can copy me but you can't be me Data." 

"Shut up Cherry Bomb," he says.

"No, that's too big try the middle one," I say to Mikey who is trying to fit the copper stone key into the triple stones.

"You guys are crazy." Mouth says.

I smack him upside the head and say, "Are you sure about that Mouth? Because last I checked you are the craziest one out of all us Goonies."

"Be quiet Cherry Bomb," he says softly.

I roll my eyes and Data shouts, "No, the middle one!"

"It fits Mikey! It fits!" Data and I shout.

"We got it!" Mikey shouts.

Mouth tries to see around me then says, "Move out of the Cherry Bomb, I can't see with your big head in the way!"

"Well, guess what patience is key Mouth. So wait your turn like everyone else has to!"

"Which way do we turn?" Data asks.

"This way!" I say wrenching Mouth's arm behind his back.

"OW that hurts Cherry Bomb, let me go!"

"Why don't you make me Mouth," I say cooly.

"Come on Kenzie, let him go." Brand says.

"Oh, fine. But out of my sight butt head!" I say releasing my best friend.

"West. Counterclockwise." Data shouts.

After Mikey turns it counterclockwise this booby trap thingy gets set off and Steph says, "What the hell is that?!"

"Your face!" I shoot back.

"Really?" she asks.


"It's gonna fall on us or something!" Mouth says panicking.

"Yeah, I hope it falls on you so it knocks some sense into you!"

Then all of a sudden the floor gives way and Data falls down to his death.

Cherry Bomb and Mouth (A Goonies Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now