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(Cherry Bomb's P.O.V)

All of a sudden we stop in front of a bone organ I gag and Mouth raises an eyebrow at me. 

"Wow, what is that?" Data says in wonder.

"A dead person or person's," I say ominously.

"Stop it Cherry Bomb." Brand says.

"Okay, fine whatever."

"Gnarly!" Mouth says thinking it's really cool.

"Attrousicious you guys!" Data shouts.

Mouth is asked to translate and I rush over next to him, "To move on play the tune as each note is said if you make too many mistakes ye will surely be-"

"Be what?" I ask shaking. 

"Be mureto."

"Muerto?!" Mikey asks becoming all scared.

"It's okay say it," Steph says tapping his shoulder and I glare at her.

"Dead." Mouth finishes and us three girls start screaming sort of dramatic like.

"We gotta play the bones to get out of here." Brand says.

"You guys look there are notes on the back," Mikey says.


"Kenzie, you took piano lessons!" Steph says.

"No, I play the organ at my synagogue guys. That's different."

"The first note is a middle c. This is nothing like the organ at my temple!"

"My God it's working! It's working!" Brand yells holding up the lantern watching the door open a little.

"A...C sharp!"

"You took all those lessons play it right please!" Mouth says.

Aw was he worried about me? I think.

Just as I think this I hit the wrong note and Mouth screams and we all scream to and help him up. Data is yelling about the Fratelli's coming up on the rocks and I hit another wrong note causing us to almost lose Brand. 

"What were you thinking?" Steph asks angrily. 

Beside her, my best friend looks so scared I wanted to reach out and hold him in comfort. 

"Cherry Bomb, I believe in you Goonies always make mistakes. You can do it," says Mikey.

"Thanks," I say out of breath from anxiety.

"Play it!" Mouth shouts. 

All of a sudden Data is running over to us and slams into me causing me to run into the fingers and hit the wrong note, Data starts to fall but we catch him. 

I play the last right note and it's right making the door fully open and we all hurry through trying to get rid of the Fratelli's behind us.

I lean over to grab the map and Mouth grabs my arm pulling me hurriedly saying, "You know Cherry Bomb, you've really gotten reckless today!"

"Oh, well you've gotten pretty annoying today even more than usual Mouth!" I say back. 

Cherry Bomb and Mouth (A Goonies Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now