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(Cherry Bomb's P.O.V.)

"OW my arm let me go you disgusting slimeball!" I shout at one of the gross and smelly Italian guys who has me.

"Shut it you little sarcastic brat!" Mama Fratelli yells at me.

I try to grab a hold of Mouth's hand but get yanked around and all of jewels and gold and stuff we'd found is emptied from our pockets and anywhere we could reach. I know this sounds gross but I hid a few necklaces in my underwear because I knew that the Fratellis would never check there.

My best friend is so quiet and I snicker a little saying, "You know Mouth, we call you that for a reason! Why so quiet all of a sudden are you scared?"

He shakes his head no and starts to make weird noises as he continues to empty his pockets, then Mama Fratelli says, "You're so quiet all of a sudden! You're the one they call Mouth."

He makes more funny noises and that's when I realize he had put things into his mouth, he tries to not swallow everything as the gross lady pulls pearls out of his mouth. 

"Oh, my God! Is that all?"

"Mhmm." he lies.

Meanwhile, Andi and I are getting our wrists tied up as it all plays out, suddenly the old lady hits him in the back of the head and more jewels spill out of his mouth. She says, "Oh, my God!"

I panic and shout, "Stop hitting him you'll hurt him!"

She laughs and says, "Aw, is he your boyfriend?!"

I swallow hard and look up at my best friend and we make eye contact he looks scared but determined as he spits out the last jewel, then the old lady laughs again saying in a fake sweet voice, "Aw, how sweet Cherry Bomb and Mouth! Is he your boyfriend?"

I look at him once more and then smile as I think of all our great memories together then say, "Yes, you old witch he is, and this time I mean it!" I say looking more at Mouth than at her.

He smiles a little but then Andi and I are being forced to walk the plank she says, "Say goodbye to your little friends!"

"Brand!" Andi shouts.

I make eye contact with Mouth who looks like he's in pain from his hair being held onto so tightly at the last minute the old lady shoves me over into his arms just as Andi falls. Brand goes running and dives down to get her. We all try to rush up there but are pulled and thrust back Mouth and I are almost trampled on and everyone seemed to have forgotten about us,

"So you really meant it this time Cherry Bomb?" he asks. 

"I'm your boyfriend?"

"Yes, I meant it Mouth, and I was hoping you'd say yes."

Before he can respond back the old lady yells, "Two down! Who's next?"

And suddenly the glasses guy grabs me off of Mouth's chest I scream and so does he grabbing for my hand but unable to reach me. Thankfully he grabs Mouth as well and we scream kicking the guy trying to get away but have no luck.

He sets us down on the plank and our backs are to each other but we share a look and in that one moment, I saw something there in his eyes that looked like love, maybe I'm wrong but I swear that's what I saw.

He sets us down on the plank and our backs are to each other but we share a look and in that one moment, I saw something there in his eyes that looked like love, maybe I'm wrong but I swear that's what I saw

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Hey, guys I know this is Steph and Mouth but just pretend it's him and Cherry Bomb. Also sorry for the long wait.

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