V: thoughts

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Yoongi's POV

"Hobi, can you listen to this melody? Something's not right. I don't know if I should add something or remove something," I frustratingly rip the headphones off my head.

This song was due back for vocals in three days and I was making no improvements on it. I let my head fall onto my hands as I deeply sighed.

"Hyung, this already sounds amazing! I don't understand why you're beating yourself up about it. I'll even call Namjoon to listen to it! Wait here," Hoseok pauses the music and walks out of my studio.

Not even 5 minutes later, he comes back in with Namjoon, who's carrying his 4 year old daughter.

"Uncle Yoonie!!" Haru squeals, jumping down from her father's arms.

"Hi, sweetheart. How are you? I didn't know your daddy brought you to work today," I greet the little girl as she hops onto my lap.

"Joon, listen to this! It sounds perfect already," Hobi walks up to my screen and plays the track for Namjoon.

"This is great, hyung! I don't understand why you're nitpicking," Namjoon reassures, bopping along to the music.

"You look tired, uncle," Haru points out as she plays with the hair sticking out of my beanie.

"Just a little bit, Haru, but I'm okay!" I respond, gently tickling her side.

"Where's Chunhei unni?" Haru questions as Namjoon takes her from my grasp.

Fuck, what time is it? I quickly lift my left arm up, checking the time.


"Aish! I was supposed to pick her up 45 minutes ago," I dart up from my chair and grab my bag. Throwing all my personal belongings into it, I search for my keys.

"Freak, I'm late! Hoseok, can you just save and shut down my stuff? Thanks, bye" I rush out, fumbling around my pockets for my keys.


15 minutes later and I finally arrived at Chunhei's school. Forgetting all the red lights I ran, I adjusted my beanie and ran towards YN's classroom. By now, I'd already know to head straight to her classroom instead of the usual pick up area.

As I turn the corner to where YN's classroom is, a soft voice stops me from stepping into the classroom.

"I'm sorry my daddy is always late, Ms. YN. He's the only one who can pick me up. I don't have a mummy like everyone else.."

My heart drops as I hear my little girl admit to YN that she doesn't have a mother. I hold my breath and hide by the door but stay close enough to hear the rest of the conversation.


My breath hitches as I hear Chunhei's apology. At that moment, all thoughts of professionalism leave my brain. I quickly pull the little girl into a tight hug.

"Never be sorry for that, munchkin. I love having you in my classroom after school. Besides, who's gonna eat all my chocolate chip cookies?" I question, trying to cheer her up.

"I just feel like I waste your time because you could be home with your family and watching your own kids, Ms. YN," Chunhei sniffles as her head slips into the crook of my neck.

"I don't have kids, munchkin. Ms. YN loves watching you after school. I live alone!" I reassure her, stroking her hair.

Before I could continue, a knock interrupts our conversation. I turn my head slightly, trying not to disrupt the little girl sniffling in the crook of my neck.

"Hi, YN. I'm so sorry for being late again," Yoongi enters quietly, "Chunhei, let's get going, bubba."

Chunhei slowly lifts her head up from my neck, still sniffling. She slowly gets up from our place on the floor and Yoongi quickly picks her up, placing a soft kiss on her head.

"What's got you down, tiny girl?" He questions as my heart melts at the scene unfolding in front of me.

Chunhei shakes her head and leans her head on his shoulder. Her tears have stopped but quiet sniffles continue to come from the little girl.

"She's had a long day, Yoongi. I think it's best to just take her home," I quietly spoke up.

Yoongi makes eye contact with me, his eyes showing all types of emotions in them. I have not known him for too long, but his eyes held something that I immediately recognized. He had heard everything that Chunhei had told me.


After a long, stressful first week, I was excited to get home and lay on my couch all night long. As the next episode of Criminal Minds starts on my TV, my phone buzzes from the other side of the couch. I reach for it and turn on my screen.

unknown number: hey. it's Yoongi. I hope you don't mind, but Sora gave me your phone number.

YN: hi, Yoongi! it's no problem. is something wrong?

My heart randomly does a few flips as I reply back to Yoongi, but I push the feeling aside and save his contact.

Yoongi: I heard what Chunhei said..about her mother and me being the only person to pick her up.

Y/N: I don't mind watching her after school, Yoongi. Please don't feel like you have to apologize every single time you come late. She's so well behaved, I don't even have to watch her too closely.

Yoongi: I'm so sorry if Chunhei overshared today, too. She's been under a lot of distress lately.

Y/N: please don't apologize! she's a wonderful little girl. I'll forget what Chunhei said, don't worry.

Yoongi: You don't have to. I'm just thankful she has such an understanding teacher like you, YN. You're the first teacher she's had that's actually waited with her after school. In previous years, they just left her in the office alone.

Y/N: that's horrible! I don't mind waiting with her. I enjoy having her around in the afternoon. It's like having my own little helper.

Yoongi: thank you so much, YN! well, it's getting late. I'll let you rest. Have a great weekend!

Y/N: you too, goodnight, Yoongi!

I quickly shut off my phone and sit on the couch for a few minutes. It's only been a week but Chunhei has surely edged her way slowly into my heart. I'd never admit it out loud, but Yoongi has also claimed a special place in my heart. It's truly saddening knowing that it's just the two of them, and I can't help but imagine what it would look like if I filled the empty space.

Quickly shaking those thoughts away, I stand from the couch and head to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

"You can't think those things, YN. You're just her teacher and Yoongi is a parent."


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