XXVIII: christmas eve morning

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"Mummy wake up! Daddy wake up!! It's Christmas Eve!! Come on!!" Chunhei runs into Yoongi's room and jumps onto the bed, landing right on Yoongi and I. 

I let out a low groan before slowly opening my eyes and pulling Chunhei down between Yoongi and I, where we trap her in a hug. 

"Nooo! I wanted you both to wake up! Not make me sleep, too!" The excited girl complains, trying to push our arms off her. 

Yoongi lets out a tired laugh before tightening his grip, "Nu uh, you came in here uninvited so you follow our rules. Mummy and I are tired, little one." 

Chunhei lets out a defeated whine before giving up and burying her head into the crook of my neck. 

"Good girl," Yoongi praises, leaning forward and placing a kiss onto mine and Chunhei's forehead, "Just sleep for a bit more and then we'll get up. I know what you want and you have to wait." 

I giggle lowly, watching Chunhei throw a mini tantrum while trapped between Yoongi and I. Last night, Yoongi had told me that it was their tradition for Chunhei to open one small present on the morning of Christmas Eve and every year, without a fail, she'd wake up extra early to try and open her gift extra early. Out of her six years of being on this earth, Yoongi had only given in once. 

about an hour later

"Who the hell is-," Yoongi groans, blindly reaching towards his nightstand and grabbing his phone, which had been ringing nonstop for the past 3 minutes. 

I snuggle Chunhei closer to my chest as I try and get a few more minutes of shut-eye. 

"Jin hyung," Yoongi growls into the phone, "As much as I respect you, what the hell do you need at 8:30am? On Christmas Eve morning?!" 

I giggle slightly as Yoongi moves the phone away from his ear as Jin scolds him loudly through the phone. I could slightly make out a few words which consisted of, "get up," "breakfast," and "hurry your asses up here!" 

"Okay, we're coming. We're coming," Yoongi groans, throwing the warm covers off his body and finally getting up from bed, "I'm waking YN and Chunnie now. Give us an hour." 

With that, Yoongi sighs and hangs up the phone. He sleepily scratches his head, walking over to my side of the bed. I sit up so I can see him better, pulling Chunhei up in the process. She simply shifts around before nodding back off to sleep. 

"Good morning, my love," Yoongi's deep, sleepy voice rasps out as he leans down to place a tender kiss on my lips, "Merry Christmas Eve." 

"Merry Christmas Eve, babe," I smile, pulling away and sneaking a kiss onto the tip of Yoongi's nose, earning a quiet laugh him. 

"Can you get Chunnie up? I forgot Jin hyung told me that we'd also have breakfast at the cafe today." 

I nod as Yoongi walks to his closet on the other side of the room, "Can we wear our matching sweaters, babe?" 

"Sure! I think Chunnie would like it too," I respond as Yoongi pulls out three identical Christmas cat sweaters, one of them a bit smaller for Chunhei. 

"Wake up, kitten," I gently shake the little girl sleeping on my chest, "Merry Christmas Eve." 

Chunhei starts to stir in my arms, "Mummy?"

"Yes, baby girl. It's mummy," I coo, stroking her hair away from her face. 

Chunhei slowly gets up from bed and sits up, facing me, "Is it present time yet, mummy?!" 

"Wash up first and get dressed," Yoongi comes back from the bathroom, dressed in his sweater, some black skinny jeans, and some black boots, "Then maybe we will consider giving you one present." 

"Let's go mummy! It's time to get dressed!" Chunhei jolts off the bed, tugging harshly at my arm, "C'mon!!"

I laugh as I let her drag me out the room, Yoongi blowing me a kiss as Chunhei and I make our way to the bathroom. 

After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Chunhei quickly pulls me into her bedroom where Yoongi has laid out her outfit on her bed. I laugh as she rushes to pull on her jeans and sweater. 

"Mummy, can you help me??" I laugh as she struggles to lace up her black Doc Martens. 

After getting Chunhei and myself dressed and ready to go, we meet Yoongi, who's holding a wrapped medium-sized soft box, in the kitchen. 

"Wow! My girls look so beautiful!" He cheers, handing Chunhei the box, "Here you go, little bubba."

Chunhei squeals in delight as she rips the wrapper away, desperately trying to see her first gift. 

"It's a puppy!!" She cheers, holding the box out to show Yoongi and I, "It's so cute!!"

Yoongi and I laugh as she coos over her new toy. I had found it while shopping with Sora and figured since Chunhei can't have a real puppy, a motorized one would be the best way to go. 

The three of us take some time to get the new toy and its accessories out of the packaging. Yoongi pops in some batteries and Chunhei happily plays with her new "puppy."

"Ready to go, bubba?" Yoongi asks after we let her play with it for a while.

"Can I bring the puppy with me?" She pouts, shooting us her best pouty face. 

"Of course, sweet girl," I allow, helping her put some of the puppy accessories into her backpack. 

We shuffle over to the front door and throw our coats on. I last-minute grab Chunhei's beanie and slip it into my purse in case it gets colder later on. Yoongi locks up the door as we head to the elevator. 

"Let's get some breakfast!" I cheer, letting Chunhei press the elevator button. 

"Let's get it!!" She cheers, making me smile and Yoongi scowl. 

"Okay, I think you need to stop hanging out with Uncle Kook for a bit," He mutters as the elevator doors close. 

a/n: hi guys! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates last week :( in all honesty, I haven't really been in the best place mentally

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a/n: hi guys! I'm so sorry for the lack of updates last week :( in all honesty, I haven't really been in the best place mentally. I just felt so overwhelmed and kinda got stuck in a really bad slump. I've been taking a few days off from updating because I knew that I wouldn't be able to produce quality chapters for you guys if my head wasn't in the right place. luckily, I'm feeling a little bit better now! Bang Bang Con really helped bring my mood up and I'm hoping that I can go back to my regular update schedule this week. 

ANYWAYS, 5k READS!!! you guys never fail to amaze me. you all give me a reason to come back and continue writing and I can never thank you guys enough for all your love and support. I love you all so much! 

question of the day: did you watch Bang Bang Con? If so, how was it?

my answer: YES I DID! it was so great to watch after such a hard week! I can always count on my boys to make me feel better. the respect and friends performance were my favorite!! the respect choreography is SO CUTE and don't get me started on Yoongi! he looked so good last night!! I'm so happy that he stopped his nail biting habit!! he looked so happy and healthy (they all did!!) and that's the greatest thing to see! 

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