XXX: does my hair look good?

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"Knock knock! Let me in, Noah!" Chunhei pounds on the Kim's front door. 

"Gentle, kitten," Yoongi warns, trying to stifle a laugh, "Uncle Jin won't be happy if you break his door." 

As soon as Yoongi says that, the door swings open and Jin stands at the door, impatiently tapping his foot. 

"Yah! Who is trying to break down my door!" He jokingly scolds, looking around and finally landing his eyes on Chunhei who giggles cutely and reaches up to wrap her uncle in a hug. 

"Hi, Uncle Jinnie!" Chunhei laughs as Jin lifts her up into his arms and hugging her tightly, "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, little one!" Jin laughs, struggling to keep up the angry act, "Noah's in his room. Go on in."

He puts her down and she races into the house, a faint "Hi, Auntie Sora!" sounds out as we hear her footsteps running up the stairs. 

"Come on in, lovebirds," Jin moves aside to make room for Yoongi and I to enter, "Sora is in the kitchen, YN. She's been waiting for you."

I hug Jin and make my way into the kitchen where I'm met with a bunch of amazing smells. 

"What is up, hoe! Merry Christmas!" Sora greets, taking a turkey out of the oven. 

"Holy crap this looks amazing, babe," I greet, walking over and hugging her. 

"Some of it was Jin's work but it's mostly me," She winks, throwing an apron at me, "The rest of the guys should be coming soon. Can you help me finish the stuffing and potatoes?"

"You got it," I agree, tying my apron and pulling my hair away from my face. 

Sora gives me some simple instructions as she pulls out a pie and some brownies from the fridge. 

I drop the spoon and race over to where she was and try to take one of the brownies. 

"Nope!" She swats my hand away, "We eat dinner first!" 

"Sora, I'm literally a 25-year-old woman," I laugh, once again reaching over to try and get a brownie. 

"Alright, fine," She laughs, "Just don't let the kids see you."

I take a bite out of the brownie and let out a moan, "This shit is good!"

"Thanks, babe. It's my secret brownie recipe," Sora winks, waving the spoon at me, "Now back to your post please."

I giggle and walk back over, continuing to munch on the brownie. 

A few seconds later, a commotion is heard through the kitchen. 

Jin comes in first, talking loudly about how he had been "working away all day cooking dinner for us all."

Yoongi walks in after, followed by Namjoon, Hoseok, Jungkook and Taehyung. 

"Hi, noonas!" Jungkook greets, flashing us his adorable bunny smile, "It smells so good in here!!"

I greet him with a hug. As I pull away, I feel another set of familiar arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into a chest. 

"Hi, jagi," Yoongi whispers, placing a kiss on the shell of my ear, "What you got there?" 

"A brownie," I giggle, placing the last piece in his mouth, "Don't tell Chunnie or the other kiddos we had them. They have to eat dinner first."

"This is amazing," Yoongi speaks, his mouth still half full of brownie. 

"Food's almost done!" Sora claps her hands together to try and get everyone's attention. 

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