Their First Moments

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There was a collosal pain in my head, I could hear my heart racing, I didn't know where I was. Of course I started to freak out. Had I been kidnapped? Am I being held hostage? Where the hell am I? Suddenly the wall in front of me pushed open and I fell forward, I was in a locker. Suddenly I started to remember a few things,"My name is Kaede Akamatsu, nice to meet, me," I mumbled a few words until I heard a metallic screeching coming from behind. I Looked only to see a tall, pale boy with navy hair, wearing black clothing and a black cap. He looked up at me in horror, there was so much worry and fear in his eyes "w-who are you and what do you want from me?" He yelled in a startled tone." My name's Kaede Akamatsu, I'm the Ultimate Pianist, are you okay? You seem scared" I replied. "Did you bring me here?! Are you the one who kidnapped me?!" The mysterious boy said in a shaking voice."N-No of course not, I don't know how I got here either.if you don't mind me asking, what's your name?" I asked."Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective, nice to meet you I guess," he replied."Well Shuichi, I hope that we can be friends!" I exclaimed in a cheery manner."Yeah, sure,"Shuichi muttered softly.

Shuichi spotted a note laying on one of the classroom desks, the note read" Ultimate Students who are now attending The New Hope's Peak Academy, please find your way to the school's gymnasium"
After reading the note Shuichi and I ventured around the school attempting to find the school's gymnasium. This wasn't a normal school, There were unnaturally coloured lights, strange shaped doors and parts of the school had been over grown with plant life.
Eventually we found the gymnasium. We opened the door only to see fourteen other students dressed in colourful outfits and accessories. When we entered the loud chatting of the students stopped and they just kinda starred at us. After a few seconds they went back to talking to whoever they were closest to. Since I was already beside Shuichi we started discussing how we ended up in this building.We had the same experience, we were both in the same situation, forced into a vehicle against our will and now we don't remember the rest. Nothing felt right, we talked to the others who were in the room.
After Shuichi and I talked to everyone we discovered that we all had the same experience, we all remember the same things, walking around outside and the suddenly grabbed and thrown into a vehicle. We all believed that we had been drugged by whoever or whatever had kidnapped us. Nobody recognized anything in the school or recognized anything that stood out about out incidents.

After what seemed like hours but in reality was only a few minutes, a stuffed bear appeared on the gym stage. There was something very unsettling about the bear. He was black and white in colour, half and half. It's left side was black with a red eye and an unsettlingly creepy grin. The bear's right side was plain white, like any normal teddy bear, it almost resembled a polar bear. After a few seconds the bear started to speak,"pupupupu." We all looked up in horror. It started to speak again," students of the ultimate academy, I am Monokuma, the headmaster of this academy, Now you're probably asking yourself, what is this place? And how did I get here? Well this is The New Hope's Peak Academy and you've been taken here for your own safety, you will spend the rest of your miserable little lives in this school, until the day you eventually wither and rot away!!"

(To be Continued)

These Mysterious Feelings-a saimatsu fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now