Beautiful boy

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My shoes dragged across the gravel of the campus grounds, kicking stones with every small step taken,walking to the cafeteria I tried my hardest to keep my head down, no room for unwanted attention. I strolled with Shuichi by my side, hoping so desperately that he wouldn't notice the shade of crimson red that my face had soon become. The usual walk to the cafeteria felt longer in this moment, It was almost like time itself had stopped. My torso felt heavy, the atmosphere wore me down and it was increasingly harder to function. I couldn't stop thinking about that dream, the soft light glistening in the colour of his eyes, the way he held me close to his body, the sheer comfort in his voice. In those moments the sound of his voice was rich, it was  like music to my ears.
I gazed up at shuichi while we're walking. Though his cap tends to cover his face, I can still make out the frame of his lips. The glossy glaze that covered them was almost drawing me in. I wanted to know what they felt like.

"Shuichi?" I said in my mesmerised haze.
"Yeah Kaede?" he responded in a questioning tone.
"You know you're really pretty right?" I said without thinking.
"Wha-" he shook coming to a half in front of the dining hall.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, sometimes i speak before I stop to think." I blurted out awkwardly stepping into the dining hall.
Shuichi stood in the doorway in shock, I felt bad for what I'd said. Did i ruin our friendship?

The time passed in the hall, the air felt heavy and every minute felt like it was actually ten. I sat between the vulgar mouthed blonde girl from before and a tall lime green haired boy in a blue sweater. I haven't spoken to Shuichi since I had entered the room, we had exchanged eye contact on a few occasions, but we'd both quickly look away.

I found myself zoning out from time to time while sitting at the table, that was until he alerted me.
"Heyy Kaede." the purple dictator spoke, tapping me in the process.
"Oh, Kokichi. hello." i softly replied.
"Will you come out here with me? I have to ask youu something." He asked in a partially suspicious tone.
"sure.." I responded, curious of what this would entail.

(To be Continued)

It's been a while since I've worked on this so I decided to come back, between getting logged out of my account and even just a lack of motivation really I considered just scrapping this, either discontinuing it or just never coming back to it. It's nice to be back, but updates wont be as constant, i seen that there were quite a few people who wanted updates,, so hey,, may aswell give it another shot.
Also it's nearly been a year since i started this. pogchamp
anyways,, have a nice day <3

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