In The Library

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We had finished up in the dining hall for the time being. I asked Kirumi if she needed a hand in cleaning the dining hall or washing off the dishes, to which she graciously declined my offer.
From what it seemed Shuichi had made a new acquaintance, his name was Kaito Momota. Kaito was a fairly outgoing person, very energetic and animated. He was possibly the last person I would have expected Shuichi to befriend, I'm really happy for him.

As Shuichi gave me a slight wave leaving the dining hall with his new friend Kaito, I was approached by Kokichi who was about to leave on his own but seemed to have changed his mind.

"Kaede, I should show you around here a little bit. That way you won't get lost with that emo hat guy. Neeheehee" The purple dictator suggested giggling.

"Really? Thank you Kokichi, I really appreciate it!!" I exclaimed back.

The short boy took my hand in his and started to guide me around the distorted school building. The heat of his palms was semi-distracting but I got used to it fairly quickly. We stopped at every classroom, stood beyond every lab's door and ventured throughout the game room and the library.

We decided to take our stop at the library. We circled the large room, viewing all different sections and the books that were placed there. Kokichi and I both seemed to share a similar interest in the mystery novel section. The two of us picked out books and sat beside one another, reading our chosen novels and mostly enjoying eachother's company.

After finishing off our seperate novels we searched for another book that seemed intresting. Inspecting the many shelves, our eyes were both guided to a particular book with a bound leather back and a golden spine, titled "The Library and the Hidden Room Case." The both of us reached for the book without realising the other's presence. Kokichi recommended the idea that we read the book together and I kindly accepted his proposal.

We strolled over to the other side of the room book in hand and took a seat on the faux leather sofa. Kokichi and I curled up beside one another and began reading the first page of the mystery novel. The heat radiating from the small boy's body was immense but soothing and comforting in a strange way.

We basically stayed in that library all day together. I remember reading the words, "The bookshelf holds the answers" and then I had fallen asleep. It must have been hours since I'd passed out. Whenever I felt the firm shake of a warm hand on my left shoulder I woke from my slumber. It was Kokichi. He looked exhausted though concerned.
The small dictator pulled out his monopad to show me, the time read 02:46am. I was shocked at the fact that I had slept for so long and that I didn't even hear Monokuma's announcement. I quickly stood up, only to trip and fall over a brown fleece blanket that had been draped over my torso prior to my awakening. Almost on command to my fall the grape haired boy started laughing in hysterics at my demise.

"Did you do this Kokichi?" I questioned intently.

"Nope, but it was hilarious, neeheehee. Anyways, we should probably get to the dorms, I'll take you since that is the only place that you haven't been." Ouma stated.

"Hmph, fine!" I exclaimed while being dragged by ouma.

Walking through the twists and turns of the school we arrived at dormitory complex building. Once we entered I thanked Kokichi for the day and bid him farewell.

I unlocked my room door and analyzed the surrounding room before quickly locking it once again. After taking a few steps in i noticed a small square of paper sitting by the bottom of the door frame. I lifted the paper to see that it had been a note, a note from noone other than Shuichi. The note read "Kaede, If you're reading this then you've gotten back to your room safely. I was in the library and seen both you and Kokichi asleep so I brought you both a blanket to use. Get some rest for tomorrow - Shuichi"

I turned red of the thought him being so considerate and kind even though we've barely known eachother for long at all. It was cute.

Soon after I finally got changed and hopped into my bed to doze off. It was hard to do considering the fact that Shuichi's kindness made me feel a certain way, a different way.

(To be Continued)

These Mysterious Feelings-a saimatsu fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now