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"W-WHAAAAT?" a short girl with choppy red hair exclaimed."You can't just keep us here, we have friends and families and a life to enjoy" a tall green-haired boy explained."Yeah, whatever he said" yelled a taller boy with purple hair."Pupupupu" laughed the monochrome bear,"there's no life outside of this academy for you anymore, forget about your 'poor friends and families' because you're never gonna see them again.This is your new home, these are your new friends, you can create your own families because that's not my job.Now then, if you'll excuse me I have a glass of wine that I desperately need to tend to" as he finished his sentance, the sinister bear disappeared into thin air.

Shuichi and I stood in complete shock. In unison we both turned to face eachother. I could see the horror in his eyes, the feeling of worry behind every blink we shared. I can't believe this, first we were kidnapped, second we were forced into this strange building and now we're being forced to spend the rest of our years in this god-awful school. We basically need to restart our entire lives, make new frienships and develop new relationships.
Something didn't feel right.I felt unasy. My head started to feel worse, my heart was racing, I felt severely nauseous. I tried talking to Shuichi when It started happening, but no words escaped my mouth and  everything went pitch-black. I was out cold. I tried to wake up my body, I tried my hardest to free myself and overcome this nausea. It didn't work.

"Kaede?KAEDE?" Shuichi called as tears of concern streamed own his pale face."Kaede, please...wake up."
The dark haired boy scooped up the girl in his arms and looked around for help. A young woman in maid's attire walked over to the two teenagers, she told him that she would be able to help his friend.
Her name was Kirumi Tojo, The Ultimate Maid. She was motherly in nature. She guided them to a small infirmary around the corner from the gymnasium. The tall, navy-haired boy placed the shorter blonde girl down on one of the two infirmary beds that were situated in the room. The maid clearly knew exactly what she was doing. She was checking Kaede of things such as injuries and whether or not she had a temperature. Kirumi came to the conclusion that Kaede was dehydrated and hungry. Shuichi decided to wait for Kaede. So he waited and waited and waited until he himself, fell asleep.
Shuichi was sitting on the bedside chair with his head lightly laying on kaede's lower torso, his hand was holding hers.

"Where am I?"I mumbled, finally waking up.I couldn't move my right hand and my chest felt heavy. Then I heard a small muffled whimper. I looked down to see Shuichi. He was gripping on to my hand for dear life and his face was nuzzled against my chest. Although I was quite embaressed by how close we were I was also very concerned for him. He was crying, Why? Was this my fault? Was he worried about me? It took awhile before I noticed that my vest had been soaked in tears. I lifted Shuichi's hat off his head as it didn't seem very comfortable to wear. I placed his hat on the bed beside me and gently grazed my free hand through his soft, navy hair. A few minutes later the whimpering had stopped completely. I looked down to see Shuichi's pale yellow-ish-grey eyes looking up at me. They were beautiful, almost mesmerising. I watched as he sprung up from the bed, letting my hand go in the process. His once pale face was now dusted in a bright red blush, his face was completely flushed.He looked adorable in those moments.

(To be continued)

These Mysterious Feelings-a saimatsu fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now