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Everything seemed normal, besides the fact that we were stuck here in this academy for gifted juveniles. I was on my own, walking around the perimeter of the school building. This whole situation was still too much to take in. I'm never going to see my family again if we don't find an escape route, none of us are. It feels horrible. Well, atleast I can make new friends here, I guess that's a good thing and I've already made two.

I had been walking for quite some time now, but there's been no sign of any exit or even a crevice to sneakily climb through.
It was lonely walking around on my own, i wish that I was with Kokichi or Shuichi right now. If I had any company it'd feel better, rather than just being a loner.

After about five extra minutes searching I had given up for the day. I had become tired and was lacking the motivation or stamina to continue. My legs were weak and my arms were weighing my body down.
I was heading back to my dorm when suddenly the ground beneath me had seemed to vanish from under me.
I was falling into the dark abyss below. I knew that I was going to die. Time began to slow as I disappeared into the ground, that was when I felt it. An arm gripped onto mine tightly and heaved me back onto the school's courtyard floor.
I raised my head only to find myself face to face with Shuichi. I stood up as fast as i could and wrapped my arms arounds the taller boy's torso, burying my head into his chest in the process. He accepted the embrace and reciprocated by also wrapping his arms around my figure. I was still shaking due to what had happened moments prior. Shuichi could tell that I was in a state of shock so he was trying his best to calm me down.

"S-Shuichi...thank y-you.."I muttered, trying my hardest to get the words out.

"shhh, Kaede It's fine you're safe now. Try not to talk too much, you need to calm." Shuichi stated in a gentle and caring tone.

I looked up at him and gazed into the navy-haired boy's glistening eyes and in that moment, time felt like it had frozen in place. Shuichi started to pull me in closer to him, our faces drawing closer together. My face started to blush immensely, I knew what was about to happen. As our faces inched closer our eyes closed. Shuichi fully leaned in and then.....

"Gooood morning, everyone! It is now 7a.m and nighttime of officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!" It was monokuma's morning announcement, It woke me up.

Everything was a dream?! What happened with Shuichi wasn't real?! It felt like such a real experience. My heart was still beating at an irregular pulse. I stood up and looked in the mirror, my face was still bright red and burning. How am I going to face him after that dream?

I knew that I couldn't keep the others waiting so I took a quick shower and then I got ready to leave. I was wearing my usual uniform, white shirt, pink vest, dark pink skirt that had a stave and quaver notes printed on and an orange tie. I had pinned my musical hairpins in place and reached for my dorm's door handle. I slowly opened the door but was surprised to see Shuichi standing there, his hand in a fist ready to knock at the door. He looked at me and his face became red with embaressment. I looked up him and chuckled slightly.

"Good morning Shuichi!" I exclaimed cheerfully, trying my best not to remember my dream.

"Oh, uh good morning Kaede." The navy haired boy uttered out shyly.

I left my dorm and locked the room behind me, following Shuichi to the dining hall. We talked about random little things and shared a few laughs on our way. His laugh was golden, precious at that. I wanted to be able to protect it. My heart rate increased and my face reddended just thinking about that.

"Kaede are you okay?" He questioned with a face full of concern.

"Hm?" I replied curiously.

"It's just, your face seems really red. Are you ill?" Shuichi asked, now bringing my right hand into his own and looking at me in the eyes.
My heart wouldn't stop pounding, the feeling of nervousness began to arise in my chest and my face became a dark shade of scarlet red.

"No, no Shuichi I-I'm fine really, it's j-just a bit hot out here." I stuttered out quickly.

"Well, if you're really sure." He stated, closing his eyes and smiling at me.

My heart felt like it was going to pop straight out of my chest, my heart rate dangerously increased. I thought that i was having a heart attack. What are these feelings? Is this love?

(To be Continued)

These Mysterious Feelings-a saimatsu fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now